Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Bolivia Lithium Contracts Make It Complicit In China’s Uyghur Abuses
By Joseph Bouchard and Yulina Goto
Chinese firms involved in extracting the country's large reserves of the vital mineral have well-documented links to forced labor and other abuses in the Xinjiang region.

Why China’s Xinjiang Propaganda Fails
By Jo Kim
China’s defense of its Xinjiang approach as a necessary counterterrorism strategy has fallen flat abroad.

China’s Effort to Silence the Sound of Uyghur
By Rustem Shir
A key part of China's campaign against Uyghur identity is a crackdown on the Uyghur language.

Taiwan Voices Support for Uyghurs in China
By Wen Lii
The human rights crisis in Xinjiang foreshadows Taiwan’s future under PRC control, and the island knows it.

A Holiday in Xinjiang
By Ruth Ingram
What it’s like being a tourist inside a police state.

China's Information War Against the Uyghurs
By Michael Clarke
Chinese information warfare is often assumed to be externally focused, but it is being used domestically as well.

China Stays Tough on Xinjiang Policy Despite Growing Global Outcry
By Charlotte Gao
While scholars worldwide call for sanctions, Chinese authorities are poised to expand the crackdown to other regions.

The Uyghurs and the Han: 1 World, 2 Universes
By Ruth Ingram
Both peoples inhabit the same land – Xinjiang in western China – but their lives could not be more different.

China’s Surreptitious Advance in Afghanistan
By Shubhangi Pandey
Deteriorating Afghan security poses risks for China, so Beijing is quietly building up its presence in the area.

In Xinjiang, China’s 'Neo-Totalitarian' Turn Is Already a Reality
By Michael Clarke
China is not only reviving Mao-era social controls, but augmenting them through cutting-edge technology.

Uyghur Biodata Collection in China
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Darren Byler.

The Human Costs of Controlling Xinjiang
By Zachary Torrey
Beijing has strong incentives to exert control in Xinjiang. The Uyghurs pay the price.
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