
Yoon Japan policy

Interview With Dr. Choi Eunmi: Can the Japan-South Korea Friendship Endure?

Interview With Dr. Choi Eunmi: Can the Japan-South Korea Friendship Endure?

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“The shared problem is that neither country sufficiently sought to convince its citizens of the importance of its neighbor.”

Relitigating the Past: How to Overcome Recent Court Cases and Strengthen the Japan-South Korea Relationship 

Relitigating the Past: How to Overcome Recent Court Cases and Strengthen the Japan-South Korea Relationship 

By Cornelius Cornelssen
Two recent legal rulings in South Korea are once again threatening to unravel the relationship.
Does Japan’s Kishida Fumio Deserve the ‘Profiles in Courage’ Award?

Does Japan’s Kishida Fumio Deserve the ‘Profiles in Courage’ Award?

By Jio Kamata
So far, South Korea's President Yoon has been more proactive in advancing the relationship – and more willing to tolerate political risks at home.

South Korea Endorses Japan’s Plan to Release Fukushima Wastewater, But Citizens’ Fears Persist

South Korea Endorses Japan’s Plan to Release Fukushima Wastewater, But Citizens’ Fears Persist

By Kim Tong-hyung
South Korean government officials and scientists insist that contamination levels would be within acceptable safety standards. The public isn’t convinced.

Where Does Japan Fit Into South Korea’s New Indo-Pacific Strategy?

Where Does Japan Fit Into South Korea’s New Indo-Pacific Strategy?

By Shu Fukuya
Establishing a strategic relationship has become an urgent task to address threats to the stability of the Indo-Pacific region, but significant obstacles remain.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why Won’t Japan Apologize in a Way That Satisfies South Korea?

Why Won’t Japan Apologize in a Way That Satisfies South Korea?

By Jio Kamata
Again and again, Japanese prime ministers have hesitated to go against the powerful conservative faction to offer a direct apology for Japan's colonial period.

South Korean President Holds Meeting With Japanese Prime Minister in Seoul

South Korean President Holds Meeting With Japanese Prime Minister in Seoul

By Mitch Shin
For the first time in 12 years, the Japanese prime minister visited Seoul for a bilateral meeting with the South Korean president. 
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s Visit to South Korea: 3 Points to Watch

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s Visit to South Korea: 3 Points to Watch

By Takahashi Kosuke
From a potential Kishida apology to the limits of security cooperation, three important questions will define the future trajectory of the Japan-South Korea thaw.

Japan’s Kishida to Visit South Korea Before G7 Summit

Japan’s Kishida to Visit South Korea Before G7 Summit

By Mari Yamaguchi
On May 7, Japan’s prime minister will reciprocate President Yoon’s trip to Tokyo. Kishida will be the first Japanese leader to visit South Korea since 2018.

What’s Driving the Japan-South Korea Thaw?

What’s Driving the Japan-South Korea Thaw?

By Mina Pollmann
Between China and North Korea, the logic for increased Japan-South Korea cooperation is clear. All that was lacking was political will. 

The Japan-South Korea Thaw Is Far From a Done Deal

The Japan-South Korea Thaw Is Far From a Done Deal

By Jio Kamata
Japan's Kishida and South Korea's Yoon are ready to mend relations, but both leaders face problems back home.
Japan Welcomes South Korean Deal to End Colonial Era Forced Labor Dispute 

Japan Welcomes South Korean Deal to End Colonial Era Forced Labor Dispute 

By Thisanka Siripala
The long unresolved forced labor dispute nears closure, with South Korea deciding to shoulder victim compensation through donations. 

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