
Yoon-Kishida summit

Interview With Dr. Choi Eunmi: Can the Japan-South Korea Friendship Endure?

Interview With Dr. Choi Eunmi: Can the Japan-South Korea Friendship Endure?

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“The shared problem is that neither country sufficiently sought to convince its citizens of the importance of its neighbor.”

Yoon and Kishida Are Fumbling South Korea-Japan Rapprochement 

Yoon and Kishida Are Fumbling South Korea-Japan Rapprochement 

By Joel Atkinson
With Yoon and Kishida less than ideal midwives to a new relationship, there’s a real need for Washington to help move things along.
South Korea’s Sideline Diplomacy at the ASEAN and G20 Meetings

South Korea’s Sideline Diplomacy at the ASEAN and G20 Meetings

By Andrew Yeo
After a series of gaffes on its last round of international trips, the Yoon administration seems to have hit its diplomatic stride at the ASEAN and G-20 summits.

Facing North Korea’s Missile Threats, South Korea, US, Japan Reaffirm Joint Commitment

Facing North Korea’s Missile Threats, South Korea, US, Japan Reaffirm Joint Commitment

By Mitch Shin
In the trilateral summit on Sunday, Seoul, Washington, and Tokyo reaffirmed their joint commitment in the face of Pyongyang’s missile threats, but no new measure to renew the stalled dialogue were announced. 

South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol Finally Meets Japan’s Prime Minister

South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol Finally Meets Japan’s Prime Minister

By Mitch Shin
While Yoon failed to hold a formal summit with U.S. President Joe Biden, he succeeded in having an “informal meeting” with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Yoon Suk-yeol’s UN Debut Overshadowed by Japan-South Korea Summit Debacle

Yoon Suk-yeol’s UN Debut Overshadowed by Japan-South Korea Summit Debacle

By Mitch Shin
Yoon emphasized his support for “freedom” in a U.N. General Assembly address, but most attention focused on the dimming chances of a summit with Japan’s Kishida Fumio. 

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