
April 2014

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History Education: The Source of Conflict Between China and Japan

History Education: The Source of Conflict Between China and Japan

By Zheng Wang
Current tensions between China and Japan have their roots in different approaches to history education.
US-Japan Relations and Obama’s Visit to Japan

US-Japan Relations and Obama’s Visit to Japan

By Yo-Jung Chen
Both countries face some delicate tasks during the US president’s stopover.

India-Japan Relations: A Fillip on the Cards?

India-Japan Relations: A Fillip on the Cards?

By Aniruddh Mohan
The two countries have been enjoying stronger ties. Will that get a boost under a new Indian government?

Amid Sharp Criticism, Brunei Delays Launch of Sharia Law

Amid Sharp Criticism, Brunei Delays Launch of Sharia Law

By Luke Hunt
Officials nonetheless remain committed to introducing the harsh penalties.

Bangladesh: Cheap T-Shirts and Fundamentalism

Bangladesh: Cheap T-Shirts and Fundamentalism

By M. Sophia Newman
The presence of Islamic hardliners among the rescuers at Rana Plaza last year raised some interesting questions.
Debunking the Iran-North Korea Nuclear Axis Myth

Debunking the Iran-North Korea Nuclear Axis Myth

By Zachary Keck
A new report from a congressional think tank casts further doubt on alleged Iranian-North Korean nuclear cooperation.

Why Obama's Asia Tour Is Bad News for China

Why Obama's Asia Tour Is Bad News for China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Obama's trip to Asia will increase perceptions in Beijing that the U.S. seeks to contain China's rise.
U.S. Considering Leaving Fewer Than 10,000 Troops in Afghanistan Post-2014

U.S. Considering Leaving Fewer Than 10,000 Troops in Afghanistan Post-2014

By Ankit Panda
Following Afghanistan's elections, the U.S. is considering leaving fewer than 10,000 troops in the country.

North Korea's Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site Shows Signs of Activity

North Korea's Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site Shows Signs of Activity

By Ankit Panda
North Korea tested its weapons in 2006, 2009, and 2013 at Punggye-ri. Is another test in the works?

Building 'A Bridge Between China and Europe'

Building 'A Bridge Between China and Europe'

By Jin Kai
While the U.S. revitalizes East Asian alliances, China looks for new partners in Europe.

India Prepares Long-Range Missile Defense Test

India Prepares Long-Range Missile Defense Test

By Zachary Keck
In the coming weeks, India will test its anti-ballistic missile system as well as new two missiles.
China's Aircraft Carrier Stars in New Music Videos

China's Aircraft Carrier Stars in New Music Videos

By Shannon Tiezzi
Two official music videos show off the Liaoning, its aircraft, and its sailors.

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