Prayuth Installed as Thai Prime Minister

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Prayuth Installed as Thai Prime Minister

The junta appears intent on forestalling the Thaksins’ return to political power.

Prayuth Installed as Thai Prime Minister
Credit: Thai coup via Nattakit samarttiw /

The Thai army put the final touches on its grip on power Thursday, with coup leader, Army Chief Prayuth Chan-ocha installed as prime minister by a national assembly picked by the junta. He received 191 of 197 votes, with none in the assembly actually voicing opposition to the sole candidate. Since taking power on May 22 after Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was removed due to a court ruling, Prayuth and the junta have ruled unopposed while slowly consolidating the military’s power over all aspects of the government. Although his election still needs to be endorsed by King Bhumibol Adulyadej, approval is expected to be a formality that will likely occur by next week, after which Prayuth is expected to form a Cabinet.

After the removal of the caretaker Prime Minister Miwattumrong Boonsongpaisan in May, Prayuth has ruled in all but name. The junta’s adoption of a 48 article constitution in July further solidified its hold on power, granting it the ability to choose the members of legislative, executive and judicial bodies to oversee the country during the interim, as well as restricting those with prior political affiliation in the last three years from participating in the national assembly, which is now full of former or active military officers. In addition to this unqualified level of control, the new constitution allows Prayuth to become prime minister while still holding his military title, although he is expected to retire in September.

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