Asia Defense

Confirmed: First Four A-29 Light Attack Aircraft Arrive in Afghanistan

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Confirmed: First Four A-29 Light Attack Aircraft Arrive in Afghanistan

The four light attack planes arrived in Kabul fully combat ready.

Confirmed: First Four A-29 Light Attack Aircraft Arrive in Afghanistan
Credit: USAF

After repeated delays including a contract cancellation, the first four out of 20 Embraer/Sierra Nevada Corporation A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft slated for service in the Afghan Air Force (AAF) arrived on January 15 at Hamid Karzai International Airport, IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly reports.

The AAF is expecting an additional delivery of four more A-29 Super Tucano by the 2016 fighting season, with an additional four delivered in 2017.  The remaining eight will be handed over to the AAF by the end of 2018.

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