September 2016

Eurasian Economic Union's First External FTA to Come into Force
By Catherine Putz
It's a little misleading, Vietnam started negotiating the agreement in 2013--before the EEU existed.

South China Sea: What's Taiwan Building on Itu Aba?
By Ankit Panda
Whatever Taipei's building on the west side of Itu Aba, it doesn't want to talk about it.

ASEAN Steps Up Zika Battle in Special Meeting
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Health ministers vow to take action to stem the virus.

How Deadly Is ASEAN’s Killer Haze?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A recent study has prompted controversy and calls for action.

Power Play in Post-Coup Turkey
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Daniela Huber.

Thailand, Ukraine Move Towards Joint Production of APCs
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Sources suggest the two sides are closer to joint production.

Is China Really Building Missiles With Artificial Intelligence?
By Abhijit Singh
There are real limits on the amount of AI acceptable to navy commanders.

How Politics Is Killing Cambodia's Forests
By Abu SMG Kibria
Political and economic calculations in Cambodia, China, and Vietnam are contributing to widespread illegal logging.

Cambodia’s ‘Party for Moderate Progress Within the Boundaries of Law’
By David Hutt
Why has Cambodia proven unable to conduct serious reforms?

Civilians: The Ultimate Victims of the Af-Pak Proxy War
By Daud Khattak
The blame game playing out between Afghanistan and Pakistan only benefits militants threatening both sides.

Chikungunya and Dengue Cause Health Scare in India’s Capital
By K.S. Venkatachalam
Chikungunya and dengue are running rampant in New Delhi.

The Limits of the Japan-South Korea Military Relationship
By Peter Murphy
Could Japan lose South Korea to China?