
September 2016

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General Raziq: Kabul’s Man in Southern Afghanistan

General Raziq: Kabul’s Man in Southern Afghanistan

By Shawn Snow
The Afghan government's reliance on Abdul Raziq highlights Kabul’s reliance on warlords for its war strategy.
The Truth About Thailand’s 2017 Defense Budget ‘Hike’

The Truth About Thailand’s 2017 Defense Budget ‘Hike’

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The increase in defense spending needs to be put into proper perspective.

To Tweet or Not to Tweet: How Did Kazakhstan's PM Lose His Job?

To Tweet or Not to Tweet: How Did Kazakhstan's PM Lose His Job?

By Catherine Putz
Massimov’s Twitter feed was about as boring as possible, but was it drawing too much attention?

A US Company Just Put Taipei 101 Into a G20 Promo for China

A US Company Just Put Taipei 101 Into a G20 Promo for China

By Justin D. Guiterman
Is the commercial, commissioned by a Chinese government office, designed to send a message?

The War That Gave Birth to ASEAN

The War That Gave Birth to ASEAN

By Adam Leong Kok Wey
50 years ago, two of ASEAN's founding members fought an undeclared war in the Konfrontasi.
Negotiating Peace in Southeast Asia

Negotiating Peace in Southeast Asia

By Mong Palatino
A quick look at peace efforts in Thailand, Myanmar, and the Philippines.

China, Singapore to Hold Naval Exercise

China, Singapore to Hold Naval Exercise

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The two countries will conduct their second-ever round of bilateral drills.
Mr. Abe Goes to Vladivostok

Mr. Abe Goes to Vladivostok

By James D.J Brown and Andrei I. Kozinets
Abe's embrace of Russia marks a radical shift from previous Japanese policy.

With 5th Nuclear Test, North Korea Exposes World's Limited Policy Options 

With 5th Nuclear Test, North Korea Exposes World's Limited Policy Options 

By John Power
The latest test drives home how little the world can do to stop Pyongyang's nuclear development.

'Small and Far': Pacific Island States Gather at Annual Forum

'Small and Far': Pacific Island States Gather at Annual Forum

By Grant Wyeth
The 16 states are meeting this week to discuss regional challenges, particularly climate change.

China’s Quest for a Moral Compass

China’s Quest for a Moral Compass

By Leland M. Lazarus
The Chinese government is trying to improve the behavior of its citizens.
ASEAN and the Need for Consensus

ASEAN and the Need for Consensus

By Shin Kawashima
Media reports that assume that ASEAN members lack agency are getting it wrong.

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