
November 2018

Iran, India, and a New Way Forward for Afghanistan

Iran, India, and a New Way Forward for Afghanistan

By C. Christine Fair
A new strategy for Afghanistan begins in Iran and needs India’s help.

A Missionary's Death in India's Highly Securitized Andaman Islands

A Missionary's Death in India's Highly Securitized Andaman Islands

By Kajal Basu
Or how a US neomissionary's tragic evangelizing to a “primitive” tribe has left India's security mechanism at war with itself.
The Izumo-class's VSTOL Conversions and Japanese Navy Power

The Izumo-class's VSTOL Conversions and Japanese Navy Power

By Robert Farley
How many carrier-based F-35s will Japan operate?

Making Sense of Japan’s New Immigration Policy

Making Sense of Japan’s New Immigration Policy

By Emese Schwarcz
A controversial new regulation will allow more foreign workers into Japan. But can Japan take care of them once they arrive?

North Korea Can’t Solve South Korea’s Demographic Crisis

North Korea Can’t Solve South Korea’s Demographic Crisis

By Troy Stangarone
South Korea’s population is aging fast, and even Korean unification won’t be enough to fix it.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Human Security Central in New Effort to Save the Aral Sea

Human Security Central in New Effort to Save the Aral Sea

By Colleen Wood
The United Nations has established a new Multi-Partner Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region.

India and the Maldives: Back on Track?

India and the Maldives: Back on Track?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Recent changes have provided an opening for both sides to recalibrate ties.
Suu Kyi's Electoral Blow in Myanmar Must Spark Real Change

Suu Kyi's Electoral Blow in Myanmar Must Spark Real Change

By Luke Hunt
With the NLD's recent by-election defeat, the people have spoken. Now Suu Kyi and her party must listen and adjust.

Kyrgyz MP Wants Only Good News

Kyrgyz MP Wants Only Good News

By Catherine Putz
Wonder how he feels about satire?

Thailand’s ASEAN Chair Challenge in 2019

Thailand’s ASEAN Chair Challenge in 2019

By Prashanth Parameswaran
While Thailand has been among the grouping’s biggest champions historically, it will have a lot on its plate when it takes the helm next year.

Singapore-Malaysia Relations in the Headlines with Military Exercise

Singapore-Malaysia Relations in the Headlines with Military Exercise

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The interaction highlighted ongoing activity within the bilateral relationship.
Uncovering Chinese Espionage in the US

Uncovering Chinese Espionage in the US

By Nicholas Eftimiades
A detailed look into how, why, and where Chinese spies are active in the United States.

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