November 2020
The Impact of Hong Kong’s Opposition-Less Legislature
By Jessie Lau
By forcing out pro-democracy legislators, authorities have snuffed out one of the last official channels for voicing dissent and holding the government accountable.
Sinhalese Leviathan: How Gotabaya Rajapaksa Is Remaking Sri Lanka
By Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan
With the Rajapaksa brothers at the helm, majoritarian politics threatens to morph into militant nationalism in Sri Lanka.
US Justice Department’s China Focus Likely to Continue Under Biden
By Associated Press
Despite a change in White House occupants in January, the United States Justice Department is likely to continue its wide-ranging China-related investigations.
How Arnab Goswami Came to Embody Everything that Ails Indian Media
By Priyam Marik
The fire-breathing television anchor’s arrest and release earlier this month throws spotlight on the unhealthy nexus between politicians and journalists in India.
President Trump To Attend APEC Summit, Official Says
By Sebastian Strangio
The announcement came as Chinese President Xi Jinping claimed the mantle of free trade and economic openness.
Report Finds Australian Troops Unlawfully Killed 39 Afghans
By Associated Press
The alleged killings were driven by "a self-centered, warrior culture" within Australia's elite Special Air Service.
In Malaysia, a Gargantuan Chinese-Backed Development Bites the Dust
By Sebastian Strangio
The Melaka Gateway project has languished since the 2018 election, when large Chinese investments came under close scrutiny.
Uzbekistan: The Long Struggle for Freedom of Expression
By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
Freedom of expression remains partial and fragile in Uzbekistan, but a limited recent opening may be impossible to reverse.
In an On-brand Move, China Issues Diktat to Australia
By Abhijnan Rej
The extraordinarily blunt dossier “leaked” to media outlets contains a long list of Chinese grievances when it comes to Australia.
Former Hong Kong Lawmakers Who Disrupted Session Arrested
By Associated Press
Ted Hui, Eddie Chu and Raymond Chan have been arrested this week over incidents in the legislature's main chamber several months ago.
The World Must Step Up to Save Afghanistan’s Children
By Chris Nyamandi
The world must commit to supporting Afghan children living amid continued conflict and violence.
US Navy Secretary Proposes New Indo-Pacific Fleet
By Abhijnan Rej
Kenneth Braithwaite’s proposal for a First Fleet has raised eyebrows, including in India.