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How Will China Manage the Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery?

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How Will China Manage the Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery?

Interpreting Beijing’s 2020 Central Economic Work Conference offers hints of the path ahead. 

How Will China Manage the Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery?
Credit: Pixabay

China’s annual Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC), where the economic priorities and policy frameworks for the coming year are laid out, concluded on December 18. The CEWC is widely acknowledged as the country’s highest-level meeting on the domestic economy and its financial and banking sectors. It is essential to digest the statement released by the party to examine the achievements made so far and to predict the country’s economic trajectory in 2021, particularly given that 2020 was an unprecedentedly tumultuous year.

This year’s CEWC set the theme and proposed eight tasks for 2021. This article concentrates on three core points.

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