
Van Jackson on Getting Biden’s Asia Policy Right
By Shannon Tiezzi
“U.S. standing in Asia has been at record lows under Trump,” says Jackson. What will Biden do differently?

China Clamps Down in Hidden Hunt for Coronavirus Origins
By Associated Press
China’s government is only allowing hand-picked research teams to look into the origins of COVID-19 – and keeping tight control over any findings.

Japan’s New Gender Equality Policy Takes a Step Back
By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s law requiring married couples to use the same surname has come under the spotlight as a significant obstacle to women’s empowerment.

Month On, Women Hold the Fort at India Farmer Protests
By Associated Press
Nearly 75 percent of rural women in India who work full-time are farmers.

The Tatmadaw’s Role in Myanmar’s New Politics
By Amara Thiha
How has Myanmar’s military recalibrated its role in a changing political system?

Amid US-China Tensions, Tibetans Seize the Moment
By Kevin Holden
A Tibetan leader presses the U.S. to punish China for crimes against humanity.

The Political Economy of Thailand’s Renewable Energy Ambitions
By James Guild
How did Thailand grow its nascent renewable energy sector?

Tuwei, Luxury Brands, and the Pitfalls of Trying To Go ‘Local’
By Laura Grunberg and Yi Jing Fly
Tuwei culture has growing appeal among China's urban youth. But foreign brands have struggled to tap into that niche.

Signing of the RCEP and the Future Asian Order
By Oba Mie
China is set to be a major beneficiary of the new agreement.

The Chinese Coast Guard and the Senkaku
By Tsuruta Jun
Activities of the last year suggest what the future might hold.

Reviewing 2020 in the Asia-Pacific
The Diplomat's Shannon Tiezzi, Catherine Putz, Abhijnan Rej, and Sebastian Strangio look back at an eventful year.

Kashmir’s Political Alliance Scores Victory in Local Elections
By Sudha Ramachandran
Kashmir used the elections to send a political message to the Modi government: Autonomy must be restored. Will New Delhi heed that message?