The Diplomat | Author

Andrew Nachemson
Andrew Nachemson is a journalist covering politics, human rights, and foreign policy in Southeast Asia.
Andrew Nachemson is a journalist covering politics, human rights, and foreign policy in Southeast Asia.

October 01, 2021
Peace vs. Democracy in Cambodia
By Andrew Nachemson
The 1991 Paris Peace Accords had two primary goals: ending civil war and setting up democracy. One of those goals was achieved; the other has never looked less likely.

September 11, 2020
Racism Is Fueling Myanmar’s Deadly Second Wave of COVID-19
By Andrew Nachemson
Anti-migrant -- and especially anti-Rohingya and anti-Rakhine -- sentiments are undermining efforts to control the pandemic.

March 20, 2020
Remembering Cambodia’s 1970 Coup
By Andrew Nachemson
A look back at a significant development in the country with implications that continue to play out today.

March 10, 2020
The Truth About Myanmar’s Genocide Case Defense Lawyer
By Andrew Nachemson
The focus on William Schabas’ history and personal views detracts from the more substantive issues at play in allegations of genocide in Myanmar.

February 27, 2020
Thailand’s Future Forward Verdict Leaves Pro-Democracy Movement in Limbo
By Andrew Nachemson
Though the dissolution of a major political party may feel like a final act, it has in fact left the party and the wider pro-democracy movement in limbo in the country’s politics.

February 21, 2020
Myanmar’s Aggressive Nationalism in the Air Ahead of 2020 Elections
By Andrew Nachemson
Recent events have highlighted the more aggressive side of the country’s nationalist tendencies as it prepares to head to the polls later this year.

February 13, 2020
EU Partially Withdraws Cambodia Trade Deal Amid Rights Concerns
By Andrew Nachemson
After months of speculation, the body has decided on a partial withdrawal of the Everything But Arms deal.

February 08, 2020
Cambodia and Thailand: A Story of Swapping Transitions, or Something Else?
By Andrew Nachemson
A closer look at the evolution of regime dynamics in the two countries in recent years.

January 31, 2020
How Constitutional Reform in Myanmar Matters for the Country’s Democracy
By Andrew Nachemson
While the process may not result in much substantive change, it nonetheless has tangible effects on ties between the NLD, the military, and ethnic parties.

January 23, 2020
Kem Sokha’s Trial: The Dynamics Beyond the Courtroom
By Andrew Nachemson
As developments in the trial continue, it is important to keep in mind that it will be largely shaped by events that occur outside the courtroom.

July 04, 2019
Was Cambodia Ever Really a Democracy?
By Andrew Nachemson
The coup of July 1997 cemented Hun Sen’s grip over the country, and it’s never wavered since.

March 27, 2019
The Life and Near Death of Sam Rainsy
By Andrew Nachemson
22 years after surviving a grenade attack, the popular opposition leader faces new questions about his role in politics.
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