The Diplomat | Author

Austin Bodetti
Austin Bodetti is a former contributor to The Diplomat, where he wrote about environmental and other issues. He studied Arabic and Persian.
The opinions, analyses, positions, or other information stated by the author are those of the author alone and cannot be attributed, credited, implied to, or otherwise associated with any entity with the exception of appropriate source attribution.

April 02, 2021
Bangladesh’s Bloggers Under Siege
By Austin Bodetti
Online activists face deadly threats from religious extremists and a crackdown from authorities.

January 16, 2021
China’s Vaccine Diplomacy in the Middle East
By Austin Bodetti
Gulf states like Bahrain and the UAE are using a Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccine, highlighting a new type of cooperation with China.

December 10, 2020
What Ethiopia’s Ethnic Unrest Means for China
By Austin Bodetti
China's massive investments in Ethiopia give it a lot to lose amid renewed sectarian violence.

November 12, 2020
Bangladesh’s Government Caught in the Crossfire as Its Public Assails France
By Austin Bodetti
Amid COVID-19, the South Asian country needs its economic partnerships with France more than ever. Will public opinion get in the way?

June 22, 2020
How Brunei Beat COVID-19
By Austin Bodetti
The small Southeast Asian sultanate is one of the few countries to avoid a massive surge in cases and deaths.

February 13, 2020
Coronavirus Hits Thailand Hard
By Austin Bodetti
The precipitous drop in visitors from China could represent as big a danger to Thailand as the virus itself.

January 25, 2020
Through Eritrea, China Quietly Makes Inroads Near the Red Sea
By Austin Bodetti
China is finding an eager partner in Eritrea, an autocratic state generally overlooked entirely by world powers.

July 12, 2019
Thailand’s Quiet Crisis: ‘The Southern Problem’
By Austin Bodetti
While Prayut focuses on solidifying control over Bangkok, the insurgency in the south has gained strength.

May 06, 2019
Bangladesh’s China-India Balance
By Austin Bodetti
In the energy sector especially, Bangladesh aims to exploit the balance of power between China and India.

April 03, 2019
Brunei: Huawei’s Foothold in Southeast Asia
By Austin Bodetti
Huawei’s already substantial presence in the sultanate is likely to extend to building Brunei’s 5G network.

February 11, 2019
How China Came to Dominate South Sudan’s Oil
By Austin Bodetti
China’s appetite for risk-taking cemented its presence in the conflict-torn young country.

January 10, 2019
Malaysia’s Rare Earth Debate
By Austin Bodetti
Malaysia may forgo an opportunity to enter the lucrative market in favor of environmental protection.
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