The Diplomat | Author

Clint Richards
Clint Richards is an Associate Editor of The Diplomat.
He has worked as an open-source intelligence analyst with Stratfor Global Intelligence and as a geopolitical risk management consultant where he writes his own blog, Asia to Africa Intel. He has worked in the field of geopolitics from Seoul and is currently based in Tokyo. He is also an analytical contributor for Enquirisk, The International Security Observer, and Wikistrat.
You can follow Clint on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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November 13, 2014
The Australia-Japan Submarine Deal Gets Complicated
By Clint Richards
Plus Japan seeks further trilateral integration with the U.S. Thursday Japanese defense links.

November 13, 2014
How an Election Gives Abe the Upper-Hand on Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
A December election would be an Abenomics referendum, and an open door to a stronger military.

November 11, 2014
Could Abe Call a Snap Election?
By Clint Richards
An attempt to justify a change in course over the tax hike could backfire for the prime minister.

November 11, 2014
The Ukrainian Divide in Russo-Japanese Rapprochement
By Clint Richards
Despite a cordial APEC meeting, Putin and Abe cannot afford to make real progress.

November 10, 2014
Is North Korea Really ‘Rattled’ By the U.N. Prison Camp Inquiry?
By Clint Richards
Some analysts believe the U.S. prisoner release shows Pyongyang is worried about an ICC hearing.

November 07, 2014
A Small But Important Milestone in the Fukushima Cleanup
By Clint Richards
Plus Sendai disaster plans and Fukushima reconstruction progress. Weekly Japan nuclear energy links.

November 07, 2014
The U.S. and China’s Competing FTA’s During APEC
By Clint Richards
The U.S. is uninterested in ceding power in a more comprehensive regional trade agreement.

November 06, 2014
Pollution Worries Dominate China’s APEC Run-Up
By Clint Richards
Press roundup of issues in the days before Beijing’s Leaders’ Summit next week.

November 06, 2014
Will U.S. Midterms Become Justification for Japanese Defense?
By Clint Richards
A distracted ally may give Abe the rationale for a larger role in regional security.

November 05, 2014
Local Rifts on Display in Japan’s Nuclear Restart
By Clint Richards
Which communities are allowed to decide on reactivation is likely to be a long-term issue.

November 05, 2014
APEC Summit: Will It Matter for Northeast Asia?
By Clint Richards
The region’s shifting realities require more than handshakes and photo opportunities.

November 05, 2014
Aquino Shows Support for Japan in the South China Sea
By Clint Richards
The Philippines is seeking to indirectly link its territorial problems with Japanese normalization.