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Colleen Wood

Colleen Wood

Colleen Wood is a writer and educator based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She holds a PhD from Columbia University, where she studied activism and social media politics in Kazakhstan. 

Colleen Wood is a writer and educator based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She teaches courses in political science at Century College and researches human rights and digital politics in Central Asia. She holds a PhD from Columbia University, where she studied activism and social media politics in Kazakhstan.

Follow Colleen on Twitter or get in touch by email.

Posts by Colleen Wood
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December 01, 2020

Goalposts for Kyrgyzstan’s Constitutional Referendum Shifting 

By Colleen Wood
Two months out from unrest sparked by parliamentary elections, Kyrgyzstan’s political future remains uncertain.
October 14, 2020

What’s Next for Kyrgyzstan?

By Colleen Wood
It’s the second week of Kyrgyzstan’s political crisis – what does the path forward look like?

September 30, 2020

Kyrgyzstan Could Ultimately Vote ‘Against All’ in the Parliamentary Polls

By Colleen Wood
Kyrgyzstan will elect a new parliament this weekend – why is it so hard to forecast the outcome?  

August 07, 2020

Protest Körpe: Quilting Together ‘Real’ and Digital Dissent in Kazakhstan

By Colleen Wood
Creative demonstrations for an imprisoned activist in Kazakhstan bridge digital and real-world engagement.

July 01, 2020

Reaktsiya 3.0: Kyrgyz Protest Internet Censorship Bill

By Colleen Wood
Will protests be enough to convince Kyrgyzstan’s president to veto a bill that would restrict freedom of speech online?
June 20, 2020

Viral Video Exposes Domestic Abuse in Kyrgyzstan. To What End?

By Colleen Wood
A viral video depicting horrific domestic abuse reveals tension in social media’s mobilizing power.

May 28, 2020

Fed Up Kyrgyz Forge Ahead with Online Protests

By Colleen Wood
What should we make of a new digital flashmob that channels widespread discontent with Kyrgyzstan’s government?
May 21, 2020

Kyrgyz Rapper Strikes Chord With Track Condemning Corruption

By Colleen Wood
Fans of Kyrgyz rap are quick to see parallels between traditional musical forms and a famous artist’s new release.

April 30, 2020

Have Press Freedoms Improved in Central Asia?

By Colleen Wood
What does a new global press freedom index really say about Central Asia?

April 21, 2020

Kyrgyz Girl Power Pop: ‘Bad Daughter, When Will We Be Free?’ 

By Colleen Wood
A new song draws attention to violence against women while reclaiming sounds and symbols of Kyrgyz national identity.

March 31, 2020

How Is Central Asia Handling COVID-19?

By Colleen Wood
A broader comparative frame is more productive for understanding how Central Asian governments are handling the coronavirus pandemic.
March 21, 2020

Kyrgyzstan’s Meme-Makers Take on Serious Social and Political Issues

By Colleen Wood
While COVID-19 dominates Kyrgyzstan’s media landscape, citizens make memes to keep now-distant social issues relevant.

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