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Colleen Wood

Colleen Wood

Colleen Wood is a writer and educator based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She holds a PhD from Columbia University, where she studied activism and social media politics in Kazakhstan. 

Colleen Wood is a writer and educator based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She teaches courses in political science at Century College and researches human rights and digital politics in Central Asia. She holds a PhD from Columbia University, where she studied activism and social media politics in Kazakhstan.

Follow Colleen on Twitter or get in touch by email.

Posts by Colleen Wood
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November 19, 2021

Looking Ahead to Kyrgyzstan’s Unpredictable Parliamentary Election

By Colleen Wood
Despite the swell of Japarov loyalists running for parliament, it remains difficult to predict the election’s outcome.
October 28, 2021

Central Asia’s FemAgora Festival Embraces Cyberfeminism

By Colleen Wood
In its fourth year, the FemAgora festival adopts an unabashed cyberfeminist approach to activism.

August 31, 2021

SOS Taldykol: Art and Activism in in Kazakhstan

By Colleen Wood
Activists in Nur-Sultan are working to protect a reservoir from destruction, but can they be successful?

August 02, 2021

Akim Elections: More Cosmetic Reform in Kazakhstan?

By Colleen Wood
Direct election of village leadership is another example of cosmetic reform in Kazakhstan.

June 23, 2021

Why Atajurt’s Brief YouTube Suspension Matters

By Colleen Wood
YouTube's temporary suspension of a Kazakh human rights group’s channel highlights the risks of civil society's heavy reliance on the tech giants.
June 01, 2021

In Kazakhstan, Feminist Activists’ Detention Raise Concerns About Repression

By Colleen Wood
Despite attempt after attempt to block critical voices from Kazakhstan’s public sphere, activists persist.

May 08, 2021

Kyrgyzstan’s Worrying New Limits on Dissent

By Colleen Wood
Kyrgyzstan’s president continues to sharpen the country’s legal code as a tool to limit dissent.
May 01, 2021

Learning From Kyrgyzstan’s Local Elections

By Colleen Wood
Local elections provide a window into the state of Kyrgyz politics – and what might come next in the three decade-long game of political musical chairs.

March 26, 2021

Local Council Elections a Big Test for Kyrgyzstan’s 2019 Gender Quota Law

By Colleen Wood
The gender quota in local councils is no panacea, but it is an important step in creating the capacity to address the challenges women face in Kyrgyzstan.

February 26, 2021

Pay Attention to Kyrgyzstan’s Local Elections 

By Colleen Wood
Local polls scheduled for April 11 will offer clues about the country’s future political trajectory.

January 29, 2021

Lack of Transparency Marks Kyrgyzstan’s Constitutional Reform Quest

By Colleen Wood
Kyrgyzstan’s new president wants to open a “new page in history” with constitutional reform, but what exactly will it look like?
December 22, 2020

Looking Ahead to January 10: Elections in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

By Colleen Wood
Why bother analyzing elections in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan if we think we know the results?

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