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Dingding Chen
Credit: WAALD

Dingding Chen

Dingding Chen is the president of Intellisia Institute.

Dingding Chen is Professor of International Relations at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China and Non-Resident Fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) Berlin, Germany. He is also the Founding Director of 海国图智研究院 (Intellisia Institute), an independent think tank focusing on international affairs in China. His research interests include: Chinese foreign policy, Asian security, Chinese politics, and human rights. He can be found on Twitter at @ChenDingding.

Posts by Dingding Chen
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May 21, 2021

China and the US: Who Has More Influence in Vietnam?

By Mengzhen Xia and Dingding Chen
According to the latest Asian Barometer Survey, China has more influence – but a less positive image – in Vietnam compared to United States.
May 05, 2021

3 Reasons Why the US Doesn’t Have a Coherent China Strategy

By Bu Le and Dingding Chen
The United States’ China policy will continue to zig and zag in the future.

May 04, 2021

Can China-US Relations Improve During the Biden Administration?

By Ge Jianhao and Dingding Chen
So far, there have been no major changes in Biden’s China policy, but there’s still hope for a stabilized relationship.

April 15, 2021

Should the West Fear China’s Increasing Role in Technical Standard Setting?

By Xirui Li and Dingding Chen
As a newcomer to the process, China will surely bring changes. But fears about China's role are often overblown.

April 12, 2021

Singapore PM Succession Setback

By Li Xirui and Dingding Chen
What are the consequences of Heng Swee Keat's decision to step aside as 4G leader-in-waiting?
March 15, 2021

Can Biden’s Pax Americana Vision Succeed?

By Hu Junyang and Dingding Chen
A coherent Asia strategy will be key to Biden’s pledge to rebuild U.S. global influence.

February 20, 2021

Is China’s COVID-19 Diplomacy Working in Southeast Asia?

By Dingding Chen
A recent poll suggests a mixed picture for China.
December 10, 2020

How Should China Use a Biden Window of Opportunity?

By Dingding Chen
China should take a more proactive stances on Sino-U.S. relations, rather than waiting for and responding to Biden's China policy.

November 17, 2020

How Should President-Elect Joe Biden Address the US-China Competition?

By Dingding Chen
The rivalry is here to stay, but there are 3 things the Biden administration can do to stabilize the critical relationship.

November 10, 2020

Why China’s Economy Keeps Booming Even After COVID-19

By Dingding Chen
With the pandemic controlled and society going back to normal, innovation and digitization are unleashing economic growth in China.

September 09, 2020

Is China Really Embracing ‘Wolf Warrior’ Diplomacy?

By Dingding Chen
China’s pugnacious diplomatic action is a counter-attack in a specific situation, not a new normal.
June 19, 2020

Why a US-China Détente Is Coming in 2021: The COVID-19 Factor and the Turn Inward

By Dingding Chen
COVID-19 will cause the United States -- and its prospective partners -- to look inwards.

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