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Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) focused on future conflict and the future of war. Follow him on Twitter.

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Fellow with the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London and a columnist for The Diplomat. He is the author of a number of monographs and book chapters on Asian and European security issues.

Franz-Stefan was a Senior Editor with The Diplomat. He has also reported from a wide range of countries and conflict zones including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. His writing and photos have appeared in The International New York Times, BBC News, Foreign Affairs Magazine, Foreign Policy, The Christian Science Monitor, and Slate among other publications.

His analysis has been featured in The Financial Times and The Wallstreet Journal, and on Al Jazeera and PBSamong others.

Follow him on Twitter.

Posts by Franz-Stefan Gady
Page 168 of 178
April 06, 2015

China's 'New' Carrier Killer Subs

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Armed with a new supersonic missile, these upgraded boats could spell trouble for US carriers in Asian waters.
April 03, 2015

Have Aliens Tried to Invade Japan?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan's Defense Minister faced unusual questions from a lawmaker this week.

April 03, 2015

Taiwan's Newest Weapon Against China

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Taipei has just commissioned a new guided missile corvette designed to target Chinese surface vessels.

April 02, 2015

Confirmed: Pakistan Will Buy Eight Chinese Subs

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Details on the type of vessel as well as the new fleet's price tag remain unknown.

April 02, 2015

Putin’s New 'Wunderwaffe': The World’s Deadliest Tank?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why tankers in the West should be worried about Moscow's new armor.
April 01, 2015

India and Japan Continue to Deepen Their Defense Ties

By Franz-Stefan Gady
China is driving Asia's second- and third-biggest military spenders closer.

March 31, 2015

Iran: The West’s Most Dangerous Foe in Cyberspace?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tehran is catching up with Beijing and Moscow in its capability to launch debilitating cyber attacks.
March 31, 2015

Taiwan: A Useful Ally Against China's Cyber Warriors?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Taiwan could be a useful partner in countering Chinese hackers, says the country's vice premier.

March 31, 2015

Will Japanese Subs Be Built in Australia?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Remarks by a retired Japanese Vice Admiral could be a "game changer" in the race for Australia's biggest-ever arms deal.

March 30, 2015

Did Ukraine Just Lose 5 Indian Air Force Planes?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India is looking to upgrade its military airlift capacity, yet Kiev has proven to be an unreliable partner.

March 28, 2015

Japan's New Helicopter Carrier: Bad News for Chinese Subs?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan now has all the building blocks to field a powerful carrier strike group.
March 28, 2015

India and Pakistan Locked in a Nuclear Naval Arms Race

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report provides a useful summary of the naval nuclear dynamics in the Indian Ocean.

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