The Diplomat | Author

Han Zhang
Han Zhang covers life and culture for The Diplomat. A graduate of Waseda University, she studied international liberal arts in Tokyo and Boston. Zhang previously wrote for the Bronx Ink and the Japan Times. She is currently a graduate student at Columbia Journalism School.

February 24, 2015
Young Chinese Parents Hesitate on Second Child
By Han Zhang
A relaxation of the one-child policy hasn’t produced the expected results.

October 01, 2014
Confucius Institutes Sail on Despite Pushback
By Han Zhang
Chinese officials seek to minimize a row with U.S. universities.

June 11, 2014
Japanese Researcher Retracts ‘Breakthrough’ Research Paper
By Han Zhang
A stunning discovery turns out to be stunningly wrong, putting Japan’s research institutions under scrutiny.

June 04, 2014
Nepal’s Crusade Against Human Trafficking
By Han Zhang
To bring back Nepal’s girls, NGO’s need to cooperate on poverty, poor education and gender disparity.

May 23, 2014
Japanese Education Goes International
By Han Zhang
With English-language education at home and new schools abroad, Japan seeks a leadership role.

May 15, 2014
A Drug-Free World? Try Some 21st Century Remedies
By Han Zhang
A new report suggests a strategic sea change is needed to combat Asia’s persistent drug problem.

May 07, 2014
Strike Shut Down in China Before May Day
By Han Zhang
Rural immigrant workers confront their employers. Is this the beginning of the end for the Made-in-China era?

April 30, 2014
Tokyo Rainbow Pride Parade: Celebrating Diversity
By Han Zhang
The first lady, drag queens, lovers and volunteers march around Shibuya in support of Japan’s LGBT community.

April 27, 2014
Running a Marathon in North Korea
By Han Zhang
The Hermit Kingdom invites amateur runners to take part in a marathon in Pyongyang for the first time.

April 22, 2014
Bangladesh: One Year After Rana Plaza, Problems Linger
By Han Zhang
Fashions change, life moves on, but the problems with the apparel industry endure.

April 18, 2014
Japan’s Former Miss International Called ‘Traitor’
By Han Zhang
Nationalists are outraged at the feminist’s comments on comfort women.

April 09, 2014
Chris Martin Works Magic with Ziyi Zhang
By Han Zhang
British alternative rock band meets ambitious Chinese beauty.
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