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Jio Kamata

Jio Kamata

Jio Kamata is a freelance writer and regular contributor to The Diplomat, as well as the Japanese opinion website Agora.

He graduated magna cum laude from the Global Studies program of Akita International University. His articles have also been published in The Japan Forward and The Japan Times.

Posts by Jio Kamata
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May 15, 2023

Why Won’t Japan Apologize in a Way That Satisfies South Korea?

By Jio Kamata
Again and again, Japanese prime ministers have hesitated to go against the powerful conservative faction to offer a direct apology for Japan's colonial period.
April 28, 2023

Why Does Japan Have a Military Base in Djibouti?

By Jio Kamata
The unfolding crisis in Sudan has drawn attention to Japan’s only overseas base – and some of the problems surrounding the installation.

April 06, 2023

The Underestimated Strength of Kishida Fumio

By Jio Kamata
Kishida’s paramount political asset may be his harmless persona.

February 23, 2023

The Invasion of Ukraine Turned Japan’s Russia Policy on Its Head

By Jio Kamata
From attempts at flattery and concerted diplomacy in 2014, Tokyo has pivoted to sanctions in lockstep with the rest of the G-7.

February 01, 2023

Will Suga Yoshihide Make a Comeback?

By Jio Kamata
As Prime Minister Kishida fights flagging approval ratings, his predecessor is testing the political waters.
January 19, 2023

Japan’s Largest Opposition Party Seeks Moderation, But the Base Disagrees

By Jio Kamata
After a decade in the political wilderness, the Constitutional Democratic Party is trying to broaden its appeal – but its base is not pleased.

November 24, 2022

Is This The Beginning of the End for Kishida?

By Jio Kamata
Kishida and the LDP may not face a national election until 2025, but the prime minister is already on shaky ground.
October 19, 2022

Without Abe, Japan’s Conservatives Are at a Crossroads

By Jio Kamata
Throughout his political career, former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was at the center of Japanese conservative politics. With him gone, how will the conservative movement go forward?

September 22, 2022

The Paradox of China-Japan Relations

By Jio Kamata
“Hot economics, cold politics” continues to underscore the China-Japan relationship. Even as political relations fray, economic ties have never been stronger.

August 20, 2022

Preparation for Abe’s State Funeral Proceeds Amid Growing Public Opposition

By Jio Kamata
As former PM Abe Shinzo’s state funeral – Japan’s first in 55 years – inches closer, more and more Japanese are turning against the idea.

July 27, 2022

Why Is Abe Shinzo’s State Funeral Stoking Controversy?

By Jio Kamata
Even in death, the former prime minister remains a polarizing figure.
June 18, 2022

The Struggles of the Nippon Ishin no Kai

By Jio Kamata
The center-right populist party saw marked success in last year's election, but its support base remains limited at the national level.

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