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Krzysztof Iwanek

Krzysztof Iwanek

Krzysztof Iwanek is a South Asia expert and an adjunct, Faculty of International Relations, University of Bialystok, Poland.

Krzysztof Iwanek writes for The Diplomat’s Pulse and Asia Life sections. He is a South Asia expert and an adjunct, Faculty of International Relations, University of Bialystok, Poland.
Previously, he was the chair of the Asia Research Centre at the War Studies University in Warsaw. From 2014 to 2016 Krzysztof taught Hindi at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea. He holds two MA degrees: in History and in South Asian Studies, and a PhD in Cultural Studies.
His main area of interest is contemporary Indian politics and political ideologies. He has also co-authored a book titled Indie. Od kolonii do mocarstwa. 1857-2013 (“India. From a Colony to a Power. 1857-2013″) with Adam Burakowski.
He tweets at @Chris_Iwanek
Posts by Krzysztof Iwanek
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March 28, 2022

In Trade, China Has a Sharp Edge Over India, and Sharp Things Can Be Weaponized

By Krzysztof Iwanek
It is not an Indian boycott of Chinese goods that would be a real challenge for New Delhi, but Beijing’s blocking of exports to India.
March 02, 2022

The West Shouldn’t Push India to Condemn Russia

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Instead of lecturing India, the West should take India’s interests seriously and make better offers to New Delhi than Moscow does.

December 31, 2021

No Dragons in the Title Please: A Survey of Indian Scholarship on Indo-Chinese Relations

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The long tradition of scholarship on Indo-Chinese relations is finally encountering growing interest in the subject.

December 23, 2021

Power is Power: What’s India’s Problem with Chinese Equipment in its Power Plants?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India is not completely dependent on Chinese technologies in its power plants, but New Delhi wants to further decrease what reliance does exist.

December 06, 2021

Japan Steps in to Support India Against China in South Asia

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The Quad may still be a mist-covered structure but Indo-Japanese cooperation against China is becoming more concrete.
November 30, 2021

Equality or Fraternity? Challenges of India’s New Constituency Delimitation

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s constituency delimitation process will be torn between the ideals of equal representation and protecting minority groups.

October 25, 2021

India’s Main Opposition Party Suffers a Crisis in Punjab

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Internal bickering within the Indian National Congress will likely lead to the party losing one of the few states it rules.
October 12, 2021

Dawn of Nationalism: An Indian Novel’s Vision of History

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Tarzi’s “The Break of Dawn” is a yet another instance of a building modern Indian patriotism on the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny.

October 01, 2021

Sputnik Over Delhi: Production of Russian Vaccine Kicks Off in India

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s COVID-19 vaccine production reflects its critical global position. The country is manufacturing its own, plus European, American, and Russian, vaccines.

September 01, 2021

India Poised to Lose Influence in Afghanistan

By Krzysztof Iwanek
With the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, much of the fruits of New Delhi’s two-decades of aid will be beyond its influence. 

August 17, 2021

The Taliban’s Careful Cheerleaders: Pakistan’s Statements on the Fall of Kabul

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Islamabad has always secretly supported the Taliban. Now it is laying the ground to do so openly.
August 02, 2021

Trial by Pandemic: Uttar Pradesh Polls Big Test For BJP

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The 2022 elections in UP may indicate whether the BJP’s popularity has been dented in any way by the pandemic.

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