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Mu Chunshan

Mu Chunshan is a Beijing-based journalist.

Previously, Mu was part of an Education Ministry-backed research project investigating the influence of foreign media in shaping China’s image. He has previously reported from the Middle East, Africa, Russia and from around Asia.

Posts by Mu Chunshan
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February 18, 2016

China’s Private Sector Diplomacy

By Mu Chunshan
China's private firms are going global -- and, by doing so, raising China's prestige on the world stage.
December 05, 2015

The Logic Behind China's Military Reforms

By Mu Chunshan
By reforming its military, China hopes to catch up to global security trends.

October 29, 2015

Don’t Underestimate Xi Jinping’s Resolve in the South China Sea

By Mu Chunshan
U.S. freedom of navigation operations could spark a more intense reaction than Washington bargained for.

September 23, 2015

How Will China and the US Address the North Korean Puzzle?

By Mu Chunshan
With Xi Jinping in the United States this week, North Korea should figure high on the agenda.

May 14, 2015

In China, India and Pakistan Make PR Pushes

By Mu Chunshan
With the Indian prime minister about to visit, India and Pakistan are dueling for public opinion in China.
April 22, 2015

Revealed: How the Yemen Crisis Wrecked Xi Jinping's Middle East Travel Plans

By Mu Chunshan
Xi's planned trip to Saudi Arabia was scrapped, and even his visit to Pakistan faced complications.

March 26, 2015

China's Xi To Make First Middle East Trip

By Mu Chunshan
China's president will travel to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Indonesia this April.
December 09, 2014

5 Questions About Xi Jinping, Answered

By Mu Chunshan
Drawing on insider accounts, Mu Chunshan delves into the mysteries of Chinese politics under Xi Jinping.

November 13, 2014

3 Reasons China Should Welcome Aung San Suu Kyi

By Mu Chunshan
China should extend an invitation -- and an olive branch -- to Suu Kyi and Myanmar's opposition party.

September 27, 2014

China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

By Mu Chunshan
Which South Asian country is more important for China's future?

July 19, 2014

Why China Must Pay Attention to the Israel-Palestine Conflict

By Mu Chunshan
Beijing wants to remain neutral on the Israel-Palestine issue, but Chinese public opinion is increasingly polarized.
June 21, 2014

Why Doesn’t Russia Support China in the South China Sea?

By Mu Chunshan
Strategic and political factors keep Moscow from backing Beijing on the South China Sea disputes.

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