The Diplomat | Author

Ram Mashru
Ram Mashru is a commentator and researcher specializing in the politics, international relations, human rights and economics of South Asia.
Ram Mashru is a writer and researcher specializing in South Asia.

June 26, 2014
Switzerland's Role in India’s Fight Against Tax Evasion
By Ram Mashru
Narendra Modi's government is fighting tax evasion in India with the cooperation of Swiss officials.

June 26, 2014
The Economics of India’s Railways
By Ram Mashru
A fare hike for India's railways may represent a step in the right direction for India, but more must be done.

June 24, 2014
India’s Exposure to ISIS in Iraq
By Ram Mashru
Iraq's instability is being closely monitored by New Delhi.

May 15, 2014
Modinomics: Myth or Magic?
By Ram Mashru
Modi looks set to take power on the strength of his economic credentials. But are they what they seem?

April 19, 2014
India’s Worsening Water Crisis
By Ram Mashru
114 million Indians will soon face desperate domestic, agricultural and industrial shortages borne of a water crisis.

April 12, 2014
In India, Politics Is Criminal
By Ram Mashru
One-third of Indian MPs have criminal charges pending. Can this situation be fixed?

March 13, 2014
India’s Record-Breaking 2014 Elections
By Ram Mashru
Coordinating a national election in the world's largest democracy is no easy task.

March 06, 2014
India and Pakistan: Competition or Cooperation in Afghanistan?
By Ram Mashru
As the international military presence winds down, the dynamics of the Indo-Af-Pak triangle will certainly change.

March 06, 2014
India Elections: Could a ‘Third Front’ Win?
By Ram Mashru
A new grouping adds another dimension to the upcoming vote.

March 04, 2014
India’s Growing Urban Poverty Crisis
By Ram Mashru
India's efforts to fight urban poverty have been lacking.

February 26, 2014
India Approaches Elections with a Sluggish Economy
By Ram Mashru
India's Finance Minister's final budget speech is more of a swan song for UPA economic policy.

February 11, 2014
US Downscales Use Of Drones In Pakistan
By Ram Mashru
The U.S. will be changing its drone posture in Pakistan. Is this an attempt to repair the relationship?
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