The Diplomat | Author

Tristan Kenderdine
Tristan Kenderdine is Research Director at Future Risk, working on China’s geoeconomic policy in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Tristan’s work focuses on the public administration and public finance of economic development in China and Eurasian states. Consulting work has covered resources, agroindustrial and hydrocarbon markets; law of the sea, polar politics, and industrial policy. Tristan has published in outlets such as Financial Times, Nikkei Asian Review, South China Morning Post and The Straits Times. E-mail: [email protected], Twitter: @futurerisks
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April 07, 2021
2022 Watch: Chen Yixin Likely to Become China’s Internal Security Commissar
By Tristan Kenderdine
Chen, the head of Xi’s rectification campaign, is likely to ascend through a restrengthened Politics and Legal Affairs Commission.

April 01, 2021
China’s Central Asian Rail Investment Does Not Add Up
By Tristan Kenderdine and Péter Bucsky
China’s contribution to Central Asian rail connectivity remains miniscule.

March 12, 2021
Middle East LNG Hedging in China’s Energy Diplomacy
By Tristan Kenderdine
Increased demand for energy will give China greater and greater dependency on – and sway over – the world's LNG producers.

January 22, 2021
China’s Ocean Policy Specialist to Miss Out on 20th Central Committee
By Tristan Kenderdine
Liu Cigui’s promotion from Hainan party secretary effectively takes him out of the running for the ultimate prize: membership in the CCP Politburo.

January 05, 2021
Kazakhstan-China Border Delays as Rail Freight Hedge Wobbles
By Tristan Kenderdine
A bottleneck on the Kazakh-China border has left thousands of wagons waiting to cross for weeks on end.

January 05, 2021
Is Institutionalism Still Useful in Elite China Political Analyses?
By Tristan Kenderdine
China's elite politics is ultimately unpredictable, but the party cadre system remains the most resilient political institution.

December 29, 2020
Politburo 2022 Candidate Analysis: Li Xi
By Tristan Kenderdine
The Communist Party secretary of Guangdong province is a near-lock for the Politburo Standing Committee come 2022.

December 12, 2020
China’s Policy Banks Are Lending Differently, Not Less
By Tristan Kenderdine
How Chinese policy and commercial banks are behaving operationally in their foreign lending activities is shifting, but not necessarily diminishing.

December 08, 2020
Middle Corridor Struggles to Find Its Way Across Eurasia
By Tristan Kenderdine
Without China’s geoeconomic policy push, there is still little economic rationale behind the development of the Middle Corridor.

December 07, 2020
China Looks Ahead to 20th Party Congress in 2022
By Tristan Kenderdine
China’s elite politics begins the run toward the personnel changes of October 2022’s 20th Party Congress.

December 04, 2020
China’s Technoindustrial Policy Is More Soviet Retro Than Japan Innovation
By Tristan Kenderdine
In science and technology innovation, closed markets, proprietary standards, and ideologized scientific research policy are a recipe for retrogradation.

November 13, 2020
Rail Freight Use on China’s Iron Silk Road Underdelivers
By Tristan Kenderdine
Is China’s CR Express destined for the industrial graveyard of Eurasian economic policy history?