‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community.’ That’s the ASEAN motto. But what’s the reality? Our bloggers based around this diverse and strategically key region give you an insider’s perspective on politics, security and society in South-east Asia.

Philippine Supply Boats Reach Marines at China-guarded Shoal
By Jim Gomez
According to the Philippines' defense secretary, the resupply boats reached the shoal without a Philippine military escort in accordance with a Chinese request.

The Benefits of Expanding the India-Russia Partnership in Southeast Asia
By Don McLain Gill
India and Russia have both been hesitant about expanding their influence in the region. Synchronizing their efforts could help overcome those concerns.

After Slow Starts, Some Asian Vaccination Rates Now Soaring
By David Rising and Sopheng Cheang
Immunization campaigns in Cambodia and Japan, for instance, started slowly but have since zoomed past the US and European nations.

Will Domestic Politics Upend Cambodia’s ASEAN Chairmanship?
By David Hutt
The deteriorating rights situation in Cambodia will be a major distraction from ASEAN’s agenda.

Thailand’s Lese-Majeste Law Takes Center Stage at UN Rights Review
By Pavin Chachavalpongpun
To make a breakthrough on the lèse-majesté problem in Thailand, the international community must seriously rethink its strategy.

Vietnam Needs to Bolster Its ‘Soft Balancing’ Against China
By Pham Ngoc Minh Trang
Vietnam’s statements on the South China Sea at international forums reveal a subtle, defensive strategy – one that hasn’t been enough thus far.

Indonesia Is Reopening, But Bali’s Tourists Haven’t Returned
By Dave Smith
Quarantine, confusion, and red tape dash hopes of tourism reboot in Bali.

How Facebook Has Failed Myanmar Yet Again
By Sam McNeil and Victoria Milko
The online platform continues to be used to fuel hate, foment division and incite offline violence.

Indonesia’s Participation at the 2021 G-20 Summit: Key Takeaways
By Noto Suoneto
Indonesia took over the leadership of the G-20, so its agenda for the multilateral group becomes even more important in 2022.

Filipino Martial Law Victims Challenge Marcos’ Election Bid
By Jim Gomez
They fear that should Ferdinand Marcos Jr. win the presidency it could lead to a white-washing of the grave abuses and extreme corruption of the Marcos dictatorship.

The Philippines’ 2022 Budget Is Not Afraid of Debt
By James Guild
The Duterte government is going to try to spend its way out of any lingering economic headwinds from the pandemic, and it is not afraid to run deficits to do so.

Myanmar Election Body Charges Aung San Suu Kyi With Electoral Fraud
By Grant Peck
It could potentially result in the NLD being dissolved and unable to participate in a new election the military has promised in two years.