‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community.’ That’s the ASEAN motto. But what’s the reality? Our bloggers based around this diverse and strategically key region give you an insider’s perspective on politics, security and society in South-east Asia.

Philippines to Hold Joint Maritime Patrols With US, Japan
By Sebastian Strangio
The announcement of the joint South China Sea maneuvers is expected to be announced at a trilateral summit between the three nations next week.

Is Singapore Unfriending Israel?
By Sribala Subramanian
The city-state recently denounced a Facebook post from the Israeli embassy as “unacceptable."

End of an Era as the Phnom Penh Post Closes Its Doors
By Luke Hunt
“With the advent of AI… we are in very scary, uncharted waters,” says co-founder Michael Hayes.

Philippine President Warns of Countermeasures in Response to Chinese Aggression at Sea
By Jim Gomez
Marcos' warning is the latest sign of the escalating disputes between China and the Philippines in the contested waters of the South China Sea.

China Infrastructure Pledges Falling Short in Southeast Asia, Report Claims
By Sebastian Strangio
Despite unfulfilled pledges of more than $50 billion, Beijing still remains the region's largest infrastructure funder by a considerable margin.

Thailand’s Parliament Passes Landmark Marriage Equality Bill
By Sebastian Strangio
Once the law is approved by the Senate and the King, the country will become the first in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

Singapore’s Race to Self-sufficiency in Malaysia Water Clash
By TamilSalvi Mari
Building tensions between Singapore and Malaysia over a water agreement are setting the two on a collision course over scarcity and sustainability.

Putin Visit on the Agenda After Invitation From Vietnam Party Chief
By Sebastian Strangio
Over the past two years, Hanoi has hosted the leaders of five of its seven "comprehensive strategic partners." Russia's leader could be next.

Singapore Adds New Corruption Charges to Case Against Former Minister
By Sebastian Strangio
Ex-Transport Minister S. Iswaran has been charged with obtaining $14,000 in kickbacks, including golf clubs and expensive whisky.

Why the Rohingya Are Being Treated the Way They Are
By Nasreen Chowdhory
Leading precarious lives in camps in Bangladesh and India, stateless Rohingya face an uncertain future.

Thailand Sends First Aid Shipment to Myanmar Along Controversial Humanitarian Corridor
By Sebastian Strangio
Critics say that the military junta's involvement in the aid program will prevent the assistance from reaching many of those most in need.

Indonesia Arrests 13 Soldiers in Investigation of Papua Torture Video
By Sebastian Strangio
The armed forces were forced to issue a rare apology after a video showing soldiers torturing a Papuan separatist fighter was posted online.