
Asia Defense

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Australia’s Smart Investment in Its Naval Fleet 

Australia’s Smart Investment in Its Naval Fleet 

By Wilson Beaver and Maria Victoria Almeida Vazquez
The country's new defense plans will only work if adequately funded, and if Australian policymakers can avoid the spending decision mistakes other nations have made.
India’s Submarine Saga

India’s Submarine Saga

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Without timely replenishment, India could end up with a submarine fleet similar to that of Pakistan.

$3 Billion Deal With UK Advances Australia’s Quest for Nuclear-powered Submarines

$3 Billion Deal With UK Advances Australia’s Quest for Nuclear-powered Submarines

By Keiran Smith
The announcement came a day after the two countries signed a defense and security pact.

India’s Space Ambitions Buttress MIRV Efforts

India’s Space Ambitions Buttress MIRV Efforts

By Harsh Vasani
Among other things, the recent MIRV test confirms a poorly kept secret -- the military utility of India’s civilian ISRO.

Battling the Numbers: South Korea’s Military Downsizes Amid Challenging Demographic Landscape

Battling the Numbers: South Korea’s Military Downsizes Amid Challenging Demographic Landscape

By Henry C. Brown
South Korea's approach highlights the evolving paradigm of global defense, where collaboration, joint training, and agility are increasingly central in upholding peace and stability. 
Back to Engagement: China’s Escort Task Force Naval Diplomacy Post-COVID

Back to Engagement: China’s Escort Task Force Naval Diplomacy Post-COVID

By Andrew Orchard
China’s counter-piracy Escort Task Forces are once again conducting naval engagements as part of Beijing’s post-COVID foreign policy.

India’s Agni-V Test: Implications for Regional Strategic Stability

India’s Agni-V Test: Implications for Regional Strategic Stability

By Abdul Moiz Khan
India's MIRV breakthrough will incentivize Pakistan to modernize its own nuclear force.
After Months of Talks, Japan’s Ruling Coalition Agrees to Allow the Sale of Its Next-Gen Fighter Jets

After Months of Talks, Japan’s Ruling Coalition Agrees to Allow the Sale of Its Next-Gen Fighter Jets

By Takahashi Kosuke
The LDP was able to convince its traditionally pacifist partner, Komeito, to okay yet another loosening of defense export rules. 

Maiden Test for India’s Agni-5 MIRV Missile

Maiden Test for India’s Agni-5 MIRV Missile

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
MIRV is a complex technology, and India’s test this week puts it among a small group of countries that have managed to develop it.

Strategic Shifts: India’s MIRV Milestone and Nuclear Policy Dynamics

Strategic Shifts: India’s MIRV Milestone and Nuclear Policy Dynamics

By Rahul Wankhede
Exploring the technical aspects and strategic implications of India’s MIRV breakthrough – and the impact on nuclear doctrine.

US and Japanese Forces to Resume Osprey Flights in Japan Following Fatal Crash

US and Japanese Forces to Resume Osprey Flights in Japan Following Fatal Crash

By Mari Yamaguchi
The Osprey aircraft has had a troubled history, including the November crash that killed 8 U.S. troops in Japan.
The Philippine Coast Guard’s Modernization: An International Joint Effort

The Philippine Coast Guard’s Modernization: An International Joint Effort

By Josiah Gottfried
Over the past decade, the PCG has become a respectable force – with a little help from Manila's friends

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