The Koreas

North Korea’s Ticking COVID-19 Time Bomb
By Justin Fendos
Like many nations, North Korea’s initial calculation may have been that there would be an eventual end to the pandemic.

Small Firms Will Determine South Korea’s Economic Future
By Yong Kwon
The chaebol spearheaded the country’s rapid industrialization, but it’s SMEs that will keep South Korea’s economy driving forward in the digital era.

South Korea Expands Rapid Testing Amid Record COVID Infections
By Kim Tong-Hyung
Since January, South Korea’s daily cases have grown five-fold.

South Korea’s Constant Struggle With Digital Sex Crimes
By Jason Bartlett
Weak legal mechanisms to punish sex offenders who use digital means, like cameras, contributes to the repetition of familiar and troubling crimes.

Kim Jong Un: A Decade of Trial and Error
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
The pace of policy turnarounds has been dizzying.

North Korea Signals Will to Cross US Red Line Amid Deadlocked Nuclear Talks
By Mitch Shin
In a Politburo meeting held on Wednesday, North Korea implied that its “confidence-building measures” can be withdrawn after the U.S. imposed sanctions over its ballistic missile tests.

Why Is South Korea Hesitant to Boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?
By Seong Hyeon Choi
Heavy economic reliance has complicated Seoul's relationship with Beijing.

Disaster Risk Reduction: A Sustainable Path for Inter-Korea Cooperation
By Sang-soo Lee and Elin Bergner
Even in its current state of pandemic-induced isolation, North Korea continues to engage the international community on climate adaption and disaster risk reduction.

Will South Korea Join the US Effort to Insulate Supply Chains From China?
By Jin Kai
Pressure from Washington to align with the U.S. decoupling effort is growing, but it's a tall order for South Korea.

After Resuming Trade With China, North Korea Fires Another 2 Ballistic Missiles
By Mitch Shin
A day after a North Korean train crossed the border to get goods from China, the country conducted its fourth missile test in two weeks.

South Korea’s Local Governments Rise to the Occasion
By Yong Kwon
Local governments are pursuing unorthodox policy responses – from universal basic income to a government-backed food delivery app – to national challenges.

North Korea Will Skip Beijing Winter Olympics
By Mitch Shin
North Korea decided not to participate in the Beijing Olympics due to “hostile forces” and the pandemic.