
Trans-Pacific View

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US, Brunei Mull New Military Partnership

US, Brunei Mull New Military Partnership

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Southeast Asian state could soon be involved in a U.S. partnership program.
What the US Gets Wrong About India's Relationship With China

What the US Gets Wrong About India's Relationship With China

By Tridivesh Maini
India's relationship with China goes far beyond security issues.

No, India Wouldn't Benefit From a Trump Presidency in the United States

No, India Wouldn't Benefit From a Trump Presidency in the United States

By Ankit Panda
Donald Trump becoming U.S. president would certainly not be good news for New Delhi.

How Obama Sees Asia

How Obama Sees Asia

By Ankit Panda
U.S. President Barack Obama will leave an important legacy in Asia.

China’s Role in the US Presidential Campaign

China’s Role in the US Presidential Campaign

By Amitai Etzioni
Campaign trail rhetoric on China may leave the TPP in doubt.
Asia’s Nuclear Arena: Hedging And Deterring

Asia’s Nuclear Arena: Hedging And Deterring

By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
Insight from Mark Fitzpatrick

Interview: Ambassador Gary Locke

Interview: Ambassador Gary Locke

By Mercy A. Kuo and Angie O. Tang
U.S. presidential leadership and the future of U.S.-China relations
Why the U.S. Should Embrace the AIIB

Why the U.S. Should Embrace the AIIB

By Leland Lazarus
There are compelling reasons for the U.S. to join China’s new development bank.

Obama Unveils New ASEAN Economic Initiative at Sunnylands Summit

Obama Unveils New ASEAN Economic Initiative at Sunnylands Summit

By Prashanth Parameswaran
US-ASEAN Connect aims to boost America’s economic engagement with the regional grouping.

US Senate Votes to Give Chinese Embassy a New Address: 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza

US Senate Votes to Give Chinese Embassy a New Address: 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza

By Shannon Tiezzi
A small but telling example of US election politicking affecting the U.S.-China relationship.

How the US Approached the 2012 Senkaku/Diaoyu Tensions

How the US Approached the 2012 Senkaku/Diaoyu Tensions

By Mina Pollmann
Released emails between Kurt Campbell and Hillary Clinton speak of "delicate diplomacy" with both China and Japan.
China’s Leadership Fault Lines: Progress vs. Power

China’s Leadership Fault Lines: Progress vs. Power

By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
Insight from Randal L. Phillips

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