
Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka: A Surprising Blow for Democracy

Sri Lanka: A Surprising Blow for Democracy

By Victor Robert Lee
Voters end an apparent slide towards dictatorship, and confound Beijing’s plans for the region.
China, India and the Sri Lanka Elections

China, India and the Sri Lanka Elections

By Nitin A. Gokhale
India has ceded influence in Sri Lanka to China. Could the upcoming election change that?

The High-Stakes Battle for Sri Lanka’s Presidency

The High-Stakes Battle for Sri Lanka’s Presidency

By Sudha Ramachandran
An invigorated opposition presents a challenge for Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Sri Lanka: Export Powerhouse?

Sri Lanka: Export Powerhouse?

By Michael Vurens van Es
For the country’s working and middle classes, the Hambantota port development will have important consequences.

Sri Lanka: Waffling India Faces Tough Decision

Sri Lanka: Waffling India Faces Tough Decision

By Srini Sitaraman
Whichever way it votes on an upcoming UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka, India will offend key constituents.
Sri Lanka’s Growing Links with China

Sri Lanka’s Growing Links with China

By Jack Goodman
Trade, investment and a strategic Indian Ocean location bring the two countries closer together.

Sri Lanka: Tamil Struggle Continues

Sri Lanka: Tamil Struggle Continues

By Kim Wall
With the Rajapaksa regime intransigent, Tamils hope that foreign pressure can provide the impetus for change.
Sri Lanka: Engaging the Diaspora

Sri Lanka: Engaging the Diaspora

A robust policy on diaspora engagement remains critical to domestic stability and international relations in postwar Sri Lanka.

CHOGM 2013: Challenge or Opportunity for Sri Lanka?

CHOGM 2013: Challenge or Opportunity for Sri Lanka?

The government needs to seize the opportunities offered by the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

Sri Lanka’s Muslims in the Cross Hairs

Sri Lanka’s Muslims in the Cross Hairs

By Sudha Ramachandran
Turning their attention from Tamils, Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists are now targeting the island's Muslim minority.

In Sri Lanka, Will Mass Grave Case Be Buried?

In Sri Lanka, Will Mass Grave Case Be Buried?

Evidence of torture and killing bring the president’s brother under scrutiny.

As Sri Lanka’s Economy Grows, Commercial Disputes Heat Up

As Sri Lanka’s Economy Grows, Commercial Disputes Heat Up

For most Sri Lankans, resolving disputes through the nation’s formal courts is not an option. Can community mediation boards fill the void?

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