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How Could Myanmar’s Divided People be Brought Together?

How Could Myanmar’s Divided People be Brought Together?

By Michael Vatikiotis
The Cambodian peace process of the 1980s offers some lessons for bridging seemingly insuperable differences.
Indonesia Confirms Purchase of Secondhand Jet Fighters From Qatar

Indonesia Confirms Purchase of Secondhand Jet Fighters From Qatar

By Sebastian Strangio
The fleet of 12 Mirage 2000-5 jets is intended to bridge the air force over until the delivery of a new fleet of French fighters beginning in early 2026.

Indonesian Court to Rule on Petition Seeking Change to Electoral System

Indonesian Court to Rule on Petition Seeking Change to Electoral System

By Sebastian Strangio
A number of politicians have petitioned the Constitutional Court to change from open-list proportional voting to a closed-list system.

This Week in Asia: June 9, 2023

This Week in Asia: June 9, 2023

The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

Indonesia, Malaysia Sign Border Agreements, Pledge Joint Action on Palm Oil

Indonesia, Malaysia Sign Border Agreements, Pledge Joint Action on Palm Oil

By Sebastian Strangio
President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim signed a number of important agreements during a meeting in Putrajaya yesterday.
Indonesia Kicks Off Naval Exercises With Involvement of China, US

Indonesia Kicks Off Naval Exercises With Involvement of China, US

By Sebastian Strangio
The Komodo exercises represent a rare sign of concord at a time of growing tension in the Asia-Pacific.

Anticipating Dual-Use Risks in an Atomic Southeast Asia

Anticipating Dual-Use Risks in an Atomic Southeast Asia

By Brandt K. Mabuni
Once again, nuclear energy is knocking. Is ASEAN ready to prevent the misuse of nuclear material?
Why Weakness in US Banking Is Unlikely to Spread to Indonesia

Why Weakness in US Banking Is Unlikely to Spread to Indonesia

By James Guild
The country's banks are relatively conservative, relying on everyday loans over more risky and profitable assets.

Papuan Separatists Threaten to Execute New Zealand Pilot

Papuan Separatists Threaten to Execute New Zealand Pilot

By Sebastian Strangio
The West Papuan National Liberation Army says that it will shoot Philip Mehrtens if the Indonesian government does not agree to independence talks within two months.

The Unresolved Legacy of the May 1998 Riots in Indonesia

The Unresolved Legacy of the May 1998 Riots in Indonesia

By Virdika Rizky Utama
Next year's presidential election is a good time to press for accountability for the violence that accompanied the end of Suharto's New Order.

A Watch Seizure and a Criminal Code Designed to Clamp Down on LGBTQ Rights

A Watch Seizure and a Criminal Code Designed to Clamp Down on LGBTQ Rights

By Aisyah Llewellyn
Malaysia's government is openly intolerant of gender and sexual minorities. Despite appearances, things aren't much better across the pond in Indonesia.
Addressing Jemaah Islamiyah’s Infrastructure in Sulawesi

Addressing Jemaah Islamiyah’s Infrastructure in Sulawesi

By Alif Satria
Despite aggressive counterterrorism efforts, Sulawesi still plays an important role for JI as a venue for key fundraising, membership training, and preaching.

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