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Mustang: The Last Lost Kingdom
By David Rengel
A journey through an ancient kingdom on the edge of change.
The Geopolitics of Nepal’s Federal Structure
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Powerful neighbors and ethnic concerns complicate the drafting of Nepal’s constitution.
Nepal’s Wait for a New Constitution
By Vishal Arora
Deputy Prime Minister Prakash Man Singh on Nepal's constitutional journey and relations with India and China.
Yarsagumba: Biological Gold
By Gemima Harvey
A gold rush mentality has attached to a fungus known as the ‘Himalayan Viagra,’ to the detriment of local communities.
The Plight of Nepal’s Migrant Workers
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Often cheated and frequently facing atrocious working conditions, young Nepalese are still flocking abroad for work.
Everest Tragedy Highlights Plight of Sherpas
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Following the deadly avalanche, Sherpa porters and guides have understandably had enough.
Justice for Nepal’s War-Era Victims?
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Nepal struggles to form a mechanism that would deal with cases of wartime human rights violations.
Nepal Tries Again to Write a Constitution
By Ross Adkin
After a successful election, can the political factions now put aside their squabbles and move forward?
The Madhes and the Future of Nepal
By Manish Gyawali
Recent elections appear to have dashed the hopes of Madhesi activists for autonomy.
Nepal: Elections Defy Skeptics, Poll-Opposing Forces
Nepal’s Constituent Assembly elections achieved a modicum of success. Can stability and a constitution follow?
The Deft Politicking of Nepal’s Army
The Nepalese Army remains powerful and yet largely unremarked, a tribute to its political acumen.
China Finds the Lost Kingdom
Some of the last vestiges of traditional Tibetan culture are under threat as Nepal’s Mustang region opens to the world.
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