
South Korea

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Seoul and Busan Mayor By-Elections Spell Trouble for President Moon

Seoul and Busan Mayor By-Elections Spell Trouble for President Moon

By Mitch Shin
The ruling Democratic Party failed to keep the mayor positions in the country’s two biggest cities in by-elections on Wednesday. 
The Japan-US Summit and Cooperation With South Korea

The Japan-US Summit and Cooperation With South Korea

By Scott W. Harold
The United States may have to play a leading role if it wants to see relations between Seoul and Tokyo improve.

South Korea Talks With China, Japan, and US in Flurry of Diplomacy

South Korea Talks With China, Japan, and US in Flurry of Diplomacy

By Mitch Shin
South Korea’s foreign minister traveled to China while the country’s national security chief attended a meeting with his U.S. and Japanese counterparts in Washington.

The Politics of South Korea’s ‘China Threat’

The Politics of South Korea’s ‘China Threat’

By Dongwoo Kim
Amid growing anti-Chinese sentiment in South Korea, there is a mismatch between the popular will and Seoul’s foreign policy.

US to Host Japan, South Korea in Security Talks

US to Host Japan, South Korea in Security Talks

By Steven Stashwick
The national security advisors of the three countries will meet at the U.S. Naval Academy.
Suh Wook’s India Trip: Boost to India-South Korea Defense Ties

Suh Wook’s India Trip: Boost to India-South Korea Defense Ties

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Defense relations between India and South Korea are deepening. 

How Will the Global Semiconductor Crunch Impact South Korea?

How Will the Global Semiconductor Crunch Impact South Korea?

By Kyle Ferrier
Most South Korean conglomerates have weathered the shortage much better than their global competitors. That could change as early as this month.
North Korea Takes Aim at Seoul as Biden Mulls Policy Options

North Korea Takes Aim at Seoul as Biden Mulls Policy Options

By Mitch Shin
After Pyongyang's resumed missile testing, Seoul and Washington are having difficulties finding a way to resume dialogue.

Why South Korea’s Aircraft Carrier Makes Sense

Why South Korea’s Aircraft Carrier Makes Sense

By Jihoon Yu and Erik French
Critics argue the carrier is a costly distraction, too vulnerable to be useful. They’re wrong.

Land Speculation Scandal Grips South Korea

Land Speculation Scandal Grips South Korea

By Jenna Gibson
Amid soaring housing prices, allegations that officials used insider information to grab land sparked public outrage.

South Korea’s Foreigner-Targeted COVID Testing Will Hurt Its New Southern Policy

South Korea’s Foreigner-Targeted COVID Testing Will Hurt Its New Southern Policy

By Anthony V. Rinna
Mandatory testing policies will make life harder for migrants from South and Southeast Asia, even as Seoul steps up its outreach to their home countries.
The EU’s Growing Security Cooperation With South Korea

The EU’s Growing Security Cooperation With South Korea

By Nicola Casarini
The longstanding relationship got a new push from a shared sense uncertainty during the Trump administration.

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