
East Asia

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China-Russia: A Strategic Partnership Short on Strategy

China-Russia: A Strategic Partnership Short on Strategy

By Nicholas Trickett
The most recent Putin-Xi summit inadvertently showcased the lack of positive agenda items underpinning the two nations' relationship.
The CCP Can’t Take Credit for China’s Phenomenal Economic Growth

The CCP Can’t Take Credit for China’s Phenomenal Economic Growth

By Bonnie Girard
The Chinese Communist Party has never been adept at creating the conditions for economic development, except when it steps away.

South Korea’s New Southern Policy: The Indonesia Dimension

South Korea’s New Southern Policy: The Indonesia Dimension

By Noto Suoneto
President Moon's policy seems tailor-made for Indonesia, but much more can be done to improve the relationship between the two nations.

Reading Between the Lines of the CCP’s Centennial Propaganda Blitz

Reading Between the Lines of the CCP’s Centennial Propaganda Blitz

By Sarah Cook
Troop deployments, censorship, and exhaustive promotion point to a deep uncertainty about the party’s future.

How a South Korean Gas Project Got Caught up in the Myanmar Coup

How a South Korean Gas Project Got Caught up in the Myanmar Coup

By Sinmyung Park
The Shwe natural gas project in the Andaman Sea sits at the multifaceted nexus of international security, capitalism, and human rights.
When Japan Waged a Currency War Against China

When Japan Waged a Currency War Against China

By Robert Farley
The WW2-era effort by Imperial Japan to disrupt China’s financial system is worth remembering today.

Xi Jinping’s Complicated Quest for the State-Corporate Technology Complex

Xi Jinping’s Complicated Quest for the State-Corporate Technology Complex

By Ngor Luong
Alongside more coercive measures, China’s government also uses financial incentives to ensure that private firms prioritize China’s technological goals, including in AI.
Apple Daily Stays Alive in Taiwan After Closure in Hong Kong

Apple Daily Stays Alive in Taiwan After Closure in Hong Kong

By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan also recalled its diplomats from Hong Kong last weekend after city officials forced them to support Beijing’s “one China” claim.

At 100 Years Old, China’s Communist Party Still Can’t Get Along with Its Next-Door Neighbors

At 100 Years Old, China’s Communist Party Still Can’t Get Along with Its Next-Door Neighbors

By Bonnie Girard
Central Asian governments might be cozy with Beijing, but Central Asian people continue to protest China's rising influence.

Decoding China’s Recent Combat Drills in the First Island Chain

Decoding China’s Recent Combat Drills in the First Island Chain

By Lu Li-Shih
China’s military presence in Taiwan’s ADIZ has significance for more than just Taiwan.

North Korea’s Economy Continues to Show Warning Signs

North Korea’s Economy Continues to Show Warning Signs

By Seulkee Jang
North Korean commodity prices skyrocket in some regions while currency exchange rates continue to plummet.
Japan’s Youth Lack Interest in Studying Abroad. That’s a Problem for Japanese Businesses.

Japan’s Youth Lack Interest in Studying Abroad. That’s a Problem for Japanese Businesses.

By Xiaochen Su
Japanese firms are hampered in their global ambitions by the Japanese youth’s lack of a global mentality.

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