
East Asia

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China Sentences Ex-Interpol Chief to 13 Years for Bribes

China Sentences Ex-Interpol Chief to 13 Years for Bribes

By Associated Press
Meng Hongwei’s disappearance in 2018 highlighted the reach – and opacity – of China’s anti-corruption efforts.
China’s Belt and Road: Is Asia Getting More Cautious?

China’s Belt and Road: Is Asia Getting More Cautious?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Xi’s recent voyage to Myanmar spotlighted the broader question about whether some key regional states are getting more cautious in responding to Beijing’s initiative.

What’s Missing in China’s Foreign Investment Law?

What’s Missing in China’s Foreign Investment Law?

By Maurits Elen
‘‘The law and its implementing regulation still lack implementation details on how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors.’’

Pomp and Circumstance: Interpreting the Signing Ceremony of the US-China Trade Deal

Pomp and Circumstance: Interpreting the Signing Ceremony of the US-China Trade Deal

By Bonnie Girard
What signals did the ceremony send about the substance of the deal?

How Chinese Immigrants Found Their Place in Puerto Rico

How Chinese Immigrants Found Their Place in Puerto Rico

By Robert Farley
By the 1890s, many Chinese immigrants had made their homes in Puerto Rico.
Xi Jinping Warns That China’s Coronavirus Outbreak Must Be Taken Seriously

Xi Jinping Warns That China’s Coronavirus Outbreak Must Be Taken Seriously

By Associated Press
Chinese authorities reported a sharp rise in the number of cases as they confirmed the disease can be spread between infected people.

Japan’s Leader Vows to Boost Nation’s Role in US Alliance

Japan’s Leader Vows to Boost Nation’s Role in US Alliance

By Associated Press
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged Sunday to bolster his country's role under its security pact with the U.S. in "outer space and cyberspace."
Has the US Lost Myanmar to China?

Has the US Lost Myanmar to China?

By Hunter Marston
Xi’s visit bolstered China-Myanmar ties, but the West can still compete.

Xi Seeks to Boost Belt and Road With Myanmar Visit

Xi Seeks to Boost Belt and Road With Myanmar Visit

By Eleanor Albert
Myanmar's government seems eager to embrace China again; the public may have more reservations.

The Phase One Trade Deal: What’s in It for China?

The Phase One Trade Deal: What’s in It for China?

By Fatih Oktay
Looking at the text, China's commitments far outweigh the United States'. So why did Beijing sign on?

China’s Media Go Global But Struggle With Credibility

China’s Media Go Global But Struggle With Credibility

By Jo Kim
China has many good stories, but the CCP is not good at telling them.
China’s 2019 Economic Growth Weakened Amid Trade War

China’s 2019 Economic Growth Weakened Amid Trade War

By Associated Press
China's growth continued to slow in 2019, but things might be looking up in 2020.

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