
East Asia

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Why Japan Should Ignore China’s Okinawa Provocation

Why Japan Should Ignore China’s Okinawa Provocation

Nationalists are seeking leverage for the Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute. Japan shouldn’t play into their hands.

Can Asia Urbanize Without Starving?

Can Asia Urbanize Without Starving?

Demand for food is set to surge within the region. Can productivity growth keep pace?

China’s Urban Dream Denied

China’s Urban Dream Denied

More than half of China’s massive population live in cities. With hundreds of millions more coming in the next 15-20 years, will they have a place to live?

Taiwan's Military Flexes its Muscles

Taiwan's Military Flexes its Muscles

A story in photos: The recent Han Kuang series of exercises was a serious display of Taiwan’s military power.

Don’t Sweat the Closure of Kaesong

Don’t Sweat the Closure of Kaesong

By Robert E. Kelly
Although a symbol of inter-Korean cooperation, the once noble Kaesong experiment has long been a failure.
China’s Next Leap Forward: From Comrades to Consumers

China’s Next Leap Forward: From Comrades to Consumers

Chinese leadership has hinted at greater economic reforms in store, with freewheeling Guangdong province as the model.

Pentagon Report Reveals Chinese Military Developments

Pentagon Report Reveals Chinese Military Developments

Last year’s annual report on Chinese military developments was widely criticized. What does the 2013 version offer?

Asia's Real Challenge: China’s "Potemkin" Rise

Asia's Real Challenge: China’s "Potemkin" Rise

“China’s rise is more likely a statistical fiction, cooked up by the Chinese ruling elites to aggrandize their power and glory.”

America's Pivot to Asia: A Report Card

America's Pivot to Asia: A Report Card

The pivot is a smart policy which is more nuanced than most people realize. But its China blind spot could be its undoing.

A Complex Calculus: China's North Korea Dilemma

A Complex Calculus: China's North Korea Dilemma

It remains in Beijing’s self-interest to provide aid to Pyongyang. The alternatives, like a North Korean collapse, could be far worse.

Julia Gillard's China Play

Julia Gillard's China Play

By any measure Julia Gillard’s trip to Beijing was a success. However, her most visionary goal remains unfulfilled.

Debunking Panorama Paranoia: North Korea Tour Leader Simon Cockerell

Debunking Panorama Paranoia: North Korea Tour Leader Simon Cockerell

Simon Cockerell of Koryo Tours on what it’s really like to visit North Korea.

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