
Central Asia

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Oil Company OMV Petrom Leaves Kazakhstan

Oil Company OMV Petrom Leaves Kazakhstan

By Paolo Sorbello
Another investor has left Kazakhstan, highlighting the worsening business climate. 
Discussing Kyrgyzstan’s Political Drama with Kadyr Toktogulov

Discussing Kyrgyzstan’s Political Drama with Kadyr Toktogulov

By Catherine Putz
After a tumultuous 2020, Kyrgyzstan faces continued political and economic challenges in 2021.

Uzbekistan Prioritizes Pakistani Over Iranian Ports

Uzbekistan Prioritizes Pakistani Over Iranian Ports

By Umida Hashimova
Accessing seaports at lower costs and shorter distances is a decades-old issues Tashkent is trying to solve, Pakistani ports might be the answer. 

Are the Uyghurs Safe in Turkey?

Are the Uyghurs Safe in Turkey?

By Nicholas Muller
Many in the Uyghur diaspora feel they have a target on their back.

Son of Turkmenistan’s President Gets New Post

Son of Turkmenistan’s President Gets New Post

By Catherine Putz
Serdar Berdimuhamedov will be joining the Cabinet of Ministers, another step on the road to a dynasty. 
A Closer Look at Uzbekistan’s Privatization Push

A Closer Look at Uzbekistan’s Privatization Push

By Corissa Steiner
Tashkent has promoted privatization schemes before. Is this time different?

Matraimov Admits Guilt in Corruption Scheme, Gets Off With Tiny Fine

Matraimov Admits Guilt in Corruption Scheme, Gets Off With Tiny Fine

By Catherine Putz
Despite investigative journalists finding his hands deep in a $700 million smuggling scheme, Matraimov will do no jail time.
Small Protests Persist Outside Chinese Consulate in Kazakhstan

Small Protests Persist Outside Chinese Consulate in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
In Almaty, Kazakhstan's former capital and largest city, a group of mostly old women have continued to protest Chinese policies in Xinjiang.

Off the Hook: Acquittals of Swedish Telecom Officials Linked to Uzbek Bribery Scandal Upheld

Off the Hook: Acquittals of Swedish Telecom Officials Linked to Uzbek Bribery Scandal Upheld

By Ian J. Lynch
The acquittal of Swedish executives whose company admitted to bribing Gulnara Karimova for access to the Uzbek telecom market undermines anti-corruption efforts.

Uzbekistan Moves Elections to October

Uzbekistan Moves Elections to October

By Catherine Putz
The country's elections -- previously held in late December -- will now be held in October.

Taliban Visit Turkmenistan, Promise (Again) to Protect TAPI

Taliban Visit Turkmenistan, Promise (Again) to Protect TAPI

By Catherine Putz
TAPI has long been hailed as a monumentally important project – but it's unclear whether it will ever be built.
Pressure Pushes Kazakh Tax Authorities to Walk Back Fines, Suspensions

Pressure Pushes Kazakh Tax Authorities to Walk Back Fines, Suspensions

By Catherine Putz
After issuing fines and suspensions for several NGOs, Kazakh authorities walked back the decisions under domestic and international pressure.

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