
Central Asia

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Uzbekistan: The Long Struggle for Freedom of Expression

Uzbekistan: The Long Struggle for Freedom of Expression

By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
Freedom of expression remains partial and fragile in Uzbekistan, but a limited recent opening may be impossible to reverse.
One Thousand and One Responses to Borat

One Thousand and One Responses to Borat

By Paolo Sorbello
Offensive, racist, only-for-Americans, funny, and even a diplomatic case. The second Borat movie stirred a wide range of controversies in Kazakhstan and worldwide.  

Uzbekistan Nudges SCO in Economic Direction

Uzbekistan Nudges SCO in Economic Direction

By Umida Hashimova
Economic matters have been rising on the agenda of the predominantly security-focused regional organization.

In 2020, Strides and Setbacks in Uzbekistan’s Battle Against Poverty

In 2020, Strides and Setbacks in Uzbekistan’s Battle Against Poverty

By Ezoza Yakvalkhodjieva
Uzbekistan’s battle against poverty has finally begun, after moving on from a policy of denial in the Karimov era, but it’s no easy task.

Was the Nagorno-Karabakh Deal a Missed Opportunity for the CSTO?

Was the Nagorno-Karabakh Deal a Missed Opportunity for the CSTO?

By Janko Šćepanović
Another diplomatic win for Russian bilateralism or a missed opportunity for one of Moscow’s regional multilateral institutions -- the Collective Security Treaty Organization?
Police Disruption of Women’s Day March Illegal, Kyrgyz Supreme Court Rules

Police Disruption of Women’s Day March Illegal, Kyrgyz Supreme Court Rules

By Catherine Putz
Overturning the decisions of two lower courts, the Kyrgyz Supreme Court says police should not have cracked down on the March 8 protest.

Rail Freight Use on China’s Iron Silk Road Underdelivers

Rail Freight Use on China’s Iron Silk Road Underdelivers

By Tristan Kenderdine
Is China’s CR Express destined for the industrial graveyard of Eurasian economic policy history?
Kazakhstan Still on the Long Road to a Latin Alphabet

Kazakhstan Still on the Long Road to a Latin Alphabet

By Catherine Putz
Kazakh has been written in a Cyrillic script since 1940, but government officials have long pushed for a gradual shift to a Latin alphabet.

Turkmenistan Still Persists in COVID Denial

Turkmenistan Still Persists in COVID Denial

By Catherine Putz
ASAP or maybe never: In August, the WHO wanted to visit Turkmenistan ASAP to test suspected COVID-19 samples. To date, no new mission has taken place.

Uzbekistan to Host Chinese Vaccine Trials

Uzbekistan to Host Chinese Vaccine Trials

By Umida Hashimova
Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical, a Chinese company, will run some of its phase three trial in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent.

Presidential or Parliamentary? What Kind of Government Should Kyrgyzstan Have?

Presidential or Parliamentary? What Kind of Government Should Kyrgyzstan Have?

By Catherine Putz
With new presidential elections set for January and parliamentary elections sometime before June 2021, the debate over what kind of government Kyrgyzstan should have is critical.
Kyrgyz Presidential Hopefuls Rushing to Run

Kyrgyz Presidential Hopefuls Rushing to Run

By Catherine Putz
Last month, Kyrgyz rushed into offices. This month, they’re running for the exits in hopes of contesting the January 10 early presidential election.

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