
East Asia

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How Taiwan Become a Key Issue in Paraguay’s Presidential Election

How Taiwan Become a Key Issue in Paraguay’s Presidential Election

By Julieta Heduvan and Juan Manuel Harán
With economic pressure building for a change, Paraguay’s presidential race could determine the future of Taiwan’s presence in South America.
China Is Meddling on America’s Doorstep 

China Is Meddling on America’s Doorstep 

By Imran Bayoumi
Reports that China interfered in Canada’s 2021 elections should raise alarms in the United States.

Iran, Saudi Arabia Agree to Resume Ties, With China’s Help

Iran, Saudi Arabia Agree to Resume Ties, With China’s Help

By Jon Gambrell
The major diplomatic breakthrough, negotiated in Beijing with China as mediator, is a demonstration of China's influence in the Middle East.

Kim Jong Un Guides North Korean Missile Launch

Kim Jong Un Guides North Korean Missile Launch

By Mitch Shin
Three days before the South Korea-U.S. combined military exercises kick off, North Korea launched short-range ballistic missiles toward its western coast.

North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Toward Sea, Seoul Says

North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Toward Sea, Seoul Says

By Kim Tong-hyung
The latest missile launch comes as South Korea and the U.S. prepare for large-scale military exercises, and President Yoon plans trips to both Tokyo and Washington next week.
How Is India Viewed in China?

How Is India Viewed in China?

By Mu Chunshan
Chinese views of India are very complicated – but generally based on a sense of superiority and self-confidence.

The Pyrrhic Victory of a China Consensus

The Pyrrhic Victory of a China Consensus

By Gibbs McKinley
History shows us that blithely chasing consensus could lead decision-makers in Washington astray, with disastrous consequences.
Japan Severely Lags on Reproductive Rights 

Japan Severely Lags on Reproductive Rights 

By Moe Shiojiri
While reproductive rights are a highly politicized topic in the United States, there is minimal discourse in Japan on the subject.

China’s New Legislation on Deepfakes: Should the Rest of Asia Follow Suit?

China’s New Legislation on Deepfakes: Should the Rest of Asia Follow Suit?

By Asha Hemrajani
China’s new regulations on deepfakes are the most comprehensive in the world. Will they provide a model for the rest of Asia to follow?

In Xi’s ‘New Era,’ China’s Foreign Policy Centers on ‘Struggle’

In Xi’s ‘New Era,’ China’s Foreign Policy Centers on ‘Struggle’

By Shannon Tiezzi
Chinese officials hate the term “wolf warrior diplomacy,” but it’s clear that the phenomenon, by whatever name, is here to stay.

Japan Launches H3 Rocket, Destroys It Over 2nd-Stage Failure

Japan Launches H3 Rocket, Destroys It Over 2nd-Stage Failure

By Mari Yamaguchi
The failure of Japan’s new rocket series, already long delayed, was a setback for the country’s space program.
Hard Security Back in Focus at the Quad Foreign Ministers Meet

Hard Security Back in Focus at the Quad Foreign Ministers Meet

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
It is relatively easy to establish coalitions to work on non-traditional security issues, but nurturing a group to focus on security issues as the core is not easy, especially for countries like India.

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