
East Asia

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Friend or Foe? Beijing Sizes up the KMT’s New Chair

Friend or Foe? Beijing Sizes up the KMT’s New Chair

By Jo Kim
The CCP is taking a wait-and-see stance, but it has some cause to worry about Johnny Chiang.
Did Vietnam’s Maritime Militia Really Swarm a China Military Base ?

Did Vietnam’s Maritime Militia Really Swarm a China Military Base ?

By Do Thanh Hai
Though recent allegations raise more questions than they provide answers, they should reinforce the need for greater transparency in the South China Sea.

US General: ‘Fairly Certain’ North Korea Has COVID-19 Cases

US General: ‘Fairly Certain’ North Korea Has COVID-19 Cases

By Ankit Panda
North Korea has yet to confirm any cases within its borders.

South Korean 2020 Legislative Election: A Mid-Term Test for Moon Jae-In

South Korean 2020 Legislative Election: A Mid-Term Test for Moon Jae-In

By Ildar Daminov
The 2020 legislative election should be seen as a referendum on Moon’s policies.

Japan-Vietnam Defense Ties in the Headlines With Naval Shipbuilding Cooperation

Japan-Vietnam Defense Ties in the Headlines With Naval Shipbuilding Cooperation

By Prashanth Parameswaran
An engagement this month spotlighted ongoing collaboration between the two sides in the security domain.
Coronavirus Fears Don’t Stop Biggest China-Cambodia Military Drills Yet

Coronavirus Fears Don’t Stop Biggest China-Cambodia Military Drills Yet

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The exercise has continued amid continuing anxieties about the virus in both countries and the wider world.

How China Is Expanding Beyond Western Institutions

How China Is Expanding Beyond Western Institutions

By Eva Seiwert
Even as the coronavirus unsettles the world, China’s bid to reshape international relations beyond Western formats is quietly gathering steam.
China’s Coronavirus Spin

China’s Coronavirus Spin

By Eleanor Albert
As the pandemic hits hard in other countries, China has declared its own response a success story.

Japan Yet to Make Decision on Next-Generation Fighter Aircraft Partnership

Japan Yet to Make Decision on Next-Generation Fighter Aircraft Partnership

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Discussions with both the United Kingdom and the United States are continuing, according to the Japanese Ministry of Defense.

How Will the Coronavirus Outbreak Affect Russia-China Relations?

How Will the Coronavirus Outbreak Affect Russia-China Relations?

By Ka-Ho Wong
The current disruption to ties doesn’t change the structural features uniting Moscow and Beijing.

Will COVID-19 Halt China’s ‘Going out’ Economic Strategy?

Will COVID-19 Halt China’s ‘Going out’ Economic Strategy?

By Chan Kung and Wei Hongxu
The novel coronavirus outbreak will contribute to downward pressures on China’s outbound investment, including the Belt and Road.
In Role Reversal, Asia Seeks to Stop Virus From Coming In

In Role Reversal, Asia Seeks to Stop Virus From Coming In

By Associated Press
As COVID-19 outbreaks spread to the rest of the world, Asia looks to manage its borders.

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