
East Asia

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Japan Executes First Foreigner in 10 Years for Family Murder

Japan Executes First Foreigner in 10 Years for Family Murder

By Associated Press
Japan and the U.S. are the only two of the G7 countries that continue to use capital punishment.
How Crime Gangs Prey on the Hong Kong Protests

How Crime Gangs Prey on the Hong Kong Protests

By Associated Press
Hong Kong has seen a robbery and burglary crime wave since mass anti-government demonstrations erupted in June.

China’s Waste Import Ban Weighs Heavily on South Korean Wastepickers

China’s Waste Import Ban Weighs Heavily on South Korean Wastepickers

By Hayoung Seo
Upheaval in the global waste chain is having a particularly large socioeconomic impact on South Korea’s elderly wastepickers.

Japan at Odds With Iran’s Plea for Stronger Economic and Political Alliance

Japan at Odds With Iran’s Plea for Stronger Economic and Political Alliance

By Thisanka Siripala
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is caught between feuding Iran and the United States.

Asia in 2020: Trends, Risks, and Geopolitics

Asia in 2020: Trends, Risks, and Geopolitics

By Ankit Panda
What lies ahead for the Asia-Pacific region in 2020?
New Construction Seen at Missile-Related Site in North Korea

New Construction Seen at Missile-Related Site in North Korea

By Associated Press
Satellite images show the completion of a new structure at the March 16 Factory near Pyongyang.

Politics in the Boardroom: The Role of Chinese Communist Party Committees

Politics in the Boardroom: The Role of Chinese Communist Party Committees

By Federica Russo
What will the consequences be if Party Committees take up a larger role in pressuring company boards?
Moon’s New Year’s Resolution for the South Korean Economy

Moon’s New Year’s Resolution for the South Korean Economy

By Kyle Ferrier
President Moon will have to fight external tailwinds to try and boost South Korea's economy.

What’s in the Growing Russia-China-Iran Trilateral Convergence?

What’s in the Growing Russia-China-Iran Trilateral Convergence?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Potential security engagements among the three have spotlighted their increasing convergence.

Japan Pins Energy Hopes on Australia

Japan Pins Energy Hopes on Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Tokyo has ambitions to become a hydrogen fueled society by 2050 and Australia is a key aspect of achieving that goal.

The Significance of the Recent France-India Maritime Dialogue

The Significance of the Recent France-India Maritime Dialogue

By Rupakjyoti Borah
France and India have shared maritime interests in the Indo-Pacific.
The Social Fallout From Pohang’s ‘Man-Made’ Earthquake

The Social Fallout From Pohang’s ‘Man-Made’ Earthquake

By Juheon Lee
The revelation that the 2017 quake was triggered by an energy project has had a complicated impact on the city.

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