
South Asia

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In Random Test of 500 in Afghan Capital, One-Third Had Virus

In Random Test of 500 in Afghan Capital, One-Third Had Virus

By Associated Press
Afghanistan’s health care system, devastated by four decades of war, is woefully unprepared for a major outbreak.
Hate Goes Viral in India

Hate Goes Viral in India

By Siddharthya Roy
Anti-Muslim mudslinging has hit new heights as pandemic panic paves new avenues in India.

India-Russia Defense Ties Amid COVID-19

India-Russia Defense Ties Amid COVID-19

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite kind words, cooperation, and defense ties, there are longer term difficulties in the India-Russia relationship that are unlikely to be easy to resolve. 

India’s China FDI Gamble

India’s China FDI Gamble

By Steven Raj Padakandla and Niranjan Sahoo
Protectionism will not make India a global power.

In the Indian Sundarbans, the Sea Is Coming  

In the Indian Sundarbans, the Sea Is Coming  

By Nicholas Muller
Across the world’s largest delta, island communities bear the brunt of the climate crisis.
How India Got Here

How India Got Here

By Neelanjan Sircar
Narendra Modi’s second term has coincided with the implementation of his party’s Hindu nationalist agenda. What is driving this?

SEALs Tried to Locate US Citizen Taken by Afghan Militants

SEALs Tried to Locate US Citizen Taken by Afghan Militants

By Associated Press
Mark R. Frerichs, a contractor, was captured by members of the Haqqani network in late January.
Sailors Become Biggest Cluster of Infections in Sri Lanka

Sailors Become Biggest Cluster of Infections in Sri Lanka

By Associated Press
Out of 30 cases discovered in the last 24 hours, 22 are navy sailors.

India E-ditions: Where Can You Read Books on India Online for Free?

India E-ditions: Where Can You Read Books on India Online for Free?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
There are enough free online books about India to keep you busy until the end of the pandemic.

The Battles That Can Cost South Asia the War Against COVID-19

The Battles That Can Cost South Asia the War Against COVID-19

By Said Sabir Ibrahimi and Syed Mafiz Kamal
Communal tensions, misinformation, and poverty: across South Asia, governments are facing similar issues in their COVID-19 responses.

Afghanistan: War in the Time of Coronavirus

Afghanistan: War in the Time of Coronavirus

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Despite a peace deal and the devastating spread of COVID-19, the Afghan war sill rages on.
Silent Victims of Sexual Abuse in Sri Lanka’s Trade Zones

Silent Victims of Sexual Abuse in Sri Lanka’s Trade Zones

By Vishal Arora
The majority of the workforce in the zones comprises of women, who continually face sexual harassment in their workplaces.

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