
Southeast Asia

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US Burma Act Uplifts the Resistance Movement in Myanmar

US Burma Act Uplifts the Resistance Movement in Myanmar

By Ye Myo Hein
The incorporation of the Burma Act in the 2023 NDAA has raised strong public expectations in Myanmar that substantial U.S. support will be forthcoming.
Indonesian Steel Exports Have Plummeted Due to EU Tariffs, Official Says

Indonesian Steel Exports Have Plummeted Due to EU Tariffs, Official Says

By Sebastian Strangio
Last week, Jakarta filed a complaint with the WTO over the European bloc's recently imposed anti-subsidy and anti-dumping tariffs.

Western Governments Announce New Myanmar Sanctions Ahead of Coup Anniversary

Western Governments Announce New Myanmar Sanctions Ahead of Coup Anniversary

By Sebastian Strangio
The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have targeted a range of military officials and enterprises that support the armed forces.

What Indonesia Can Learn From Cambodia Regarding the Myanmar Crisis

What Indonesia Can Learn From Cambodia Regarding the Myanmar Crisis

By Phanit Vun and Sokvy Rim
A resolution to the conflict is unlikely in 2023. Jakarta should therefore take a realistic and flexible approach.

Can Indonesia Achieve Its Electric Vehicle Ambitions?

Can Indonesia Achieve Its Electric Vehicle Ambitions?

By William Yuen Yee
If the government falls short of its ambitious EV adoption targets, it won't be for lack of effort.
The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, 2 Years After the Coup

The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, 2 Years After the Coup

By Timothy Millar
After some initial hesitation, China is moving CMEC ahead in tandem with Myanmar’s military rulers – at least where the situation is stable enough to do so.

Cambodia’s Turn to Raise Eyebrows Over Infrastructure Projects

Cambodia’s Turn to Raise Eyebrows Over Infrastructure Projects

By Luke Hunt
Up to $30 billion in financing is potentially on the table – most of it from China.
US to Secure Access to New Philippine Military Facilities: Report

US to Secure Access to New Philippine Military Facilities: Report

By Sebastian Strangio
The move, which is expected to be announced this week, is the latest sign of the rapid advancement in bilateral relations under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

The Philippines’ Post-Pandemic Economy Is Booming

The Philippines’ Post-Pandemic Economy Is Booming

By James Guild
The country's economy has rebounded from its COVID-19 recession, posting a growth rate of 7.6 percent in 2022.

The Myth of Doi Moi in Vietnam

The Myth of Doi Moi in Vietnam

By David Hutt
The country's people have flourished not because of the Communist Party of Vietnam, but in spite of it.

Myanmar Junta Invited to ASEAN Meeting on Maritime Security

Myanmar Junta Invited to ASEAN Meeting on Maritime Security

By Sebastian Strangio
Next month's ADMM-Plus meeting on maritime security will be co-chaired by Thailand and the United States.
There Is No Such Thing as ASEAN Neutrality

There Is No Such Thing as ASEAN Neutrality

By David Hutt
Despite its claims to the contrary, the Southeast Asian bloc is intervening in Myanmar's crisis – just not effectively.

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