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Southeast Asia

Page 385 of 509
Will the COVID-19 Crisis Spell the End of Cambodia’s Hun Sen?

Will the COVID-19 Crisis Spell the End of Cambodia’s Hun Sen?

By David Hutt
COVID-19 may not topple Cambodia’s Hun Sen, but its shockwaves could spark the beginning of the end of his rule.
Thailand Imposes New Coronavirus Curfew

Thailand Imposes New Coronavirus Curfew

By Associated Press
Thailand's prime minister announced a nationwide night curfew starting Friday to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Singapore’s COVID-19 General Elections

Singapore’s COVID-19 General Elections

By Bilveer Singh
How COVID-19 will influence Singapore’s soon to be held 2020 general elections?

Watch Asia’s Security Flashpoints Closely Amid the Coronavirus Challenge

Watch Asia’s Security Flashpoints Closely Amid the Coronavirus Challenge

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Managing Asia’s key flashpoints could prove challenging - in some senses even more so - as governments are managing the continued fallout from COVID-19.

Defense Ministers Interaction Highlights China-Singapore Security Ties

Defense Ministers Interaction Highlights China-Singapore Security Ties

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The recent development spotlighted the defense aspect of the relationship between the two countries.
What Did the 2020 China-Cambodia Golden Dragon Military Exercise Actually Achieve?

What Did the 2020 China-Cambodia Golden Dragon Military Exercise Actually Achieve?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at how the recent drills, held amid the coronavirus crisis, actually played out.

Southeast Asia’s Teenage Extremists

Southeast Asia’s Teenage Extremists

By Amalina Abdul Nasir and Kenneth Yeo
The detention of a secondary school student in Singapore in February highlights an ongoing trend in youth radicalization among supporters of the Islamic State.
Delivery People Are Risking Their Lives to Keep Asia Running. Here’s What People Are Doing to Say Thank You.

Delivery People Are Risking Their Lives to Keep Asia Running. Here’s What People Are Doing to Say Thank You.

By Jason Hung
Asia’s army of gig workers is especially vulnerable -- and especially vital -- amid the pandemic.

The Geopolitics of Southeast Asia’s Coronavirus Challenge

The Geopolitics of Southeast Asia’s Coronavirus Challenge

By Prashanth Parameswaran
While the dust is still settling, it is worth examining what the potential geopolitical implications of COVID-19 will be on the region.

China-Laos Relations in Focus with New Railway Project Milestone

China-Laos Relations in Focus with New Railway Project Milestone

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The kicking off of track laying work spotlighted the development of a key infrastructure project within the bilateral relationship.

China’s Mekong Security Role in the Headlines with New Joint Patrols

China’s Mekong Security Role in the Headlines with New Joint Patrols

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The latest patrols spotlighted China’s efforts to boost security collaboration with Mekong states despite the challenges that remain.
World Bank Sees Coronavirus Outbreak Hitting Asia Hard

World Bank Sees Coronavirus Outbreak Hitting Asia Hard

By Associated Press
The World Bank estimates COVID-19 will cause economic growth to slow significantly this year in China and other East Asian-Pacific countries.

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