
Southeast Asia

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Does Singapore’s Next Election Matter?

Does Singapore’s Next Election Matter?

By Kirsten Han
The eventual election may bring some excitement, yet it’s unlikely that the result will bring much change.
Indonesia, China, and the Natuna Linchpin

Indonesia, China, and the Natuna Linchpin

By Evan A. Laksmana
Can Indonesia develop a strategy to confront China’s long game in the Natunas and the South China Sea?

The Fight for LGBT Rights in Vietnam Still Has a Long Way To Go

The Fight for LGBT Rights in Vietnam Still Has a Long Way To Go

By Thoi Nguyen
Prejudice, discrimination, and stigma against the LGBT community in Vietnam still loom large. Change will take concerted efforts.

Indonesia’s Burgeoning Railway Diplomacy

Indonesia’s Burgeoning Railway Diplomacy

By Shang-su Wu
The Indonesian rail sector has demonstrated value as a diplomatic tool, despite having some restrictions.

Democracy in Crisis: Where Does Malaysia Go From Here?

Democracy in Crisis: Where Does Malaysia Go From Here?

By Brian Wong
Only a general election can rescue Malaysia’s democracy, but not its stability.
Returning Cambodia Refugee Spotlights Trump’s Growing Southeast Asia Deportations

Returning Cambodia Refugee Spotlights Trump’s Growing Southeast Asia Deportations

By Associated Press
Thy Chea was the fourth such refugee to be allowed back into the country since the administration stepped up deportations of Southeast Asians.

Thailand’s Future Forward Verdict Leaves Pro-Democracy Movement in Limbo

Thailand’s Future Forward Verdict Leaves Pro-Democracy Movement in Limbo

By Andrew Nachemson
Though the dissolution of a major political party may feel like a final act, it has in fact left the party and the wider pro-democracy movement in limbo in the country’s politics.
The Philippines Post-VFA: No Easy Choices

The Philippines Post-VFA: No Easy Choices

By Lucio Blanco Pitlo III
If Manila wants to wean itself off the U.S. alliance, it has several options. Each has drawbacks – but so does the status quo.

What’s in the Philippines’ New Anti-Terrorism Act?

What’s in the Philippines’ New Anti-Terrorism Act?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A key legal change in the country’s counterterrorism approach is moving closer to reality.

Prominent Vietnam Dissident Buddhist Monk Dies

Prominent Vietnam Dissident Buddhist Monk Dies

By Associated Press
Thich Quang Do, the public face of religious dissent in the country, died over the weekend.

Rohingya Diaspora: Transnational Identity in the Digital Age  

Rohingya Diaspora: Transnational Identity in the Digital Age  

By Abdul Aziz
Rohingyas abroad are using social media to draw attention to their cause -- and maintain their ethnic identity far away from home.
What Will the Philippines’ First Western Pacific Naval Symposium Hosting Look Like?

What Will the Philippines’ First Western Pacific Naval Symposium Hosting Look Like?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
As we get closer to the engagement, the Southeast Asian state has revealed more details about how its hosting may play out.

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