
Southeast Asia

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Politics Meets Poverty in Southeast Asia

Politics Meets Poverty in Southeast Asia

Governments are spending vast sums to reduce crushing poverty. While the cause is a noble one the reasoning and approach may be faulty.

Is the Party Over in Laos?

Is the Party Over in Laos?

A crackdown on bars in northern Laos reveals deeper problems with tourism in this small, landlocked country.

New Opportunities for the Women of Burma

New Opportunities for the Women of Burma

Female empowerment must be a top priority as Burma moves towards true democracy.

Southeast Asia's Internet Dilemma

Southeast Asia's Internet Dilemma

Surveillance cameras at internet cafés, harsh accountability standards for webmasters and the specter of self-censorship have many questioning the future of Internet freedom.

Burma's Forgotten Dilemma

Burma's Forgotten Dilemma

Will 140,000 refugees in Thailand seeking safety from the world’s longest-running civil war ever be able to go home?

Southeast Asia Contains Anti-Islam Film Fallout

Southeast Asia Contains Anti-Islam Film Fallout

Although some protests have occurred, reactions to the “Innocence of Muslims” in SE. Asia has been restrained compared to the Middle East.

The Philippines Economy: Ready for Take-Off?

The Philippines Economy: Ready for Take-Off?

As its rise in the Global Competitiveness Report shows, the economic conditions are improving. Still, many challenges remain.

Can Thailand Avoid Becoming a Modern-Day Atlantis?

Can Thailand Avoid Becoming a Modern-Day Atlantis?

Last year, Thailand suffered historic floods. Forecasts suggest parts of the capital could be underwater by 2030. Is the country prepared?

The Neverending Story: Drama in the South China Sea

The Neverending Story: Drama in the South China Sea

While many have put their faith in a Code of Conduct some wonder if China is stalling for time. A real solution may take years, if ever.

What’s Holding Mobile Money Back?

What’s Holding Mobile Money Back?

Where banking infrastructure is limited in parts of Asia, mobile money could provide a solution. Emulating Kenya’s successful model could speed its adoption.

Burma's Economic Reboot Marches On

Burma's Economic Reboot Marches On

Will currency reform bring Burma one step closer to creating a modern, stable economy?

Traffic: Vietnam's Silent Killer

Traffic: Vietnam's Silent Killer

From lax safety standards, ineffective police, and drunk driving, operating a vehicle on the streets of Vietnam is a hazardous enterprise. People are now taking matters into their own hands.

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