
2020 Coronavirus

China’s Vast Xinjiang Hit With COVID-19 Travel Restrictions

China’s Vast Xinjiang Hit With COVID-19 Travel Restrictions

By Associated Press
As is often the case with China's draconian "zero-COVID" policy, the measures seemed out of proportion to the number of cases detected.
COVID and North Korea: Helping the Population by Delivering Information and Vaccines

COVID and North Korea: Helping the Population by Delivering Information and Vaccines

By Dominique Fraser
Helping North Korea help itself will require creativity, flexibility, and patience.

Grumbling Grows as Hong Kong Sticks with Zero-COVID Policy

Grumbling Grows as Hong Kong Sticks with Zero-COVID Policy

By Alice Fung and David Rising
“The whole world knows we have to live with the virus, only the Hong Kong government does not know,” said taxi driver Chan Tai-man. 

Central Asia Braces for COVID-19 Omicron Wave

Central Asia Braces for COVID-19 Omicron Wave

By Catherine Putz
With the arrival of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, Central Asia looks to be heading into its fourth wave of pandemic. 

Asia Keeps Omicron at Bay, but a Surge May Be Inevitable

Asia Keeps Omicron at Bay, but a Surge May Be Inevitable

By Huizhong Wu
Cases are mounting, and experts say the next few months will be critical.
Japan OKs Record $317 Billion Extra Budget for COVID, Economy

Japan OKs Record $317 Billion Extra Budget for COVID, Economy

By Mari Yamaguchi
The budget largely is to fund COVID-19 measures, including booster shot vaccines and cash payouts.

Pacific Leaders Agree on Vaccines But Not on US Hosting APEC

Pacific Leaders Agree on Vaccines But Not on US Hosting APEC

By Nick Perry and Jim Gomez
Russia reportedly refused to support the U.S. hosting the gathering in 2023, derailing the matter for now in the consensus-driven grouping.
Li Zhang on China, COVID-19 and Global Capitalism

Li Zhang on China, COVID-19 and Global Capitalism

By Catherine Putz
When searching for the origins of the pandemic, we shouldn’t overlook the role played by capitalism in paving a path for the disease. 

Australia and New Zealand Prepare to Reopen

Australia and New Zealand Prepare to Reopen

By Joshua Mcdonald
Closed off from the world for the past 18 months, Australia and New Zealand are now preparing to reopen. 

World Stands by as a COVID Crisis Unfolds in Papua New Guinea 

World Stands by as a COVID Crisis Unfolds in Papua New Guinea 

By John Fleming
With countries like Papua New Guinea on the edge of crisis, richer countries can do more to help supply vaccines and mitigate hesitancy. 

Japan’s COVID-19 Vaccination Drive Success Is an Opportunity for Global Leadership

Japan’s COVID-19 Vaccination Drive Success Is an Opportunity for Global Leadership

By James Gannon and Kazuyo Kato
Tokyo is battling a surge in COVID-19 cases, but its initially slow vaccination campaign has surged ahead too. 
Bangladesh’s ‘Fake News’ Law Is Used to Stifle Dissent

Bangladesh’s ‘Fake News’ Law Is Used to Stifle Dissent

By Saad Hammadi
Bangladesh’s crackdown on dissent tests the human rights commitment of all states.

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