
2022 Winter Olympics boycott

Beijing 2022 Is the Death Knell of the Olympic Charter

Beijing 2022 Is the Death Knell of the Olympic Charter

By Omer Kanat
If genocide is no longer a red line, then what good is the Olympic Charter’s commitment to “the preservation of human dignity”?

Why Is South Korea Hesitant to Boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?

Why Is South Korea Hesitant to Boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?

By Seong Hyeon Choi
Heavy economic reliance has complicated Seoul's relationship with Beijing.
Moon’s Inter-Korea Peace Process Deadlocked in China-US Tensions

Moon’s Inter-Korea Peace Process Deadlocked in China-US Tensions

By Mitch Shin
U.S. President Joe Biden has opened the possibility of a diplomatic boycott for the Beijing Winter Olympics, potentially killing the final hope the Moon administration had to see productive results.

Jules Boykoff on a Beijing 2022 Boycott

Jules Boykoff on a Beijing 2022 Boycott

By Catherine Putz
“China is no place for the Olympics, given that extreme human rights abuses in the country clash with principles enshrined in the Olympic Charter.”

How the Olympic Movement Can Resist Beijing’s Games

How the Olympic Movement Can Resist Beijing’s Games

By Ben Lowsen
The world at large cannot expect the IOC to address every issue, but the issue of genocide is too great to ignore.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Human Rights Concerns Continue to Dog 2022 Beijing Olympics

Human Rights Concerns Continue to Dog 2022 Beijing Olympics

By Philip Citowicki
With less than a year to the Winter Olympics in Beijing, the calls for a boycott will only get louder.

Continued Deterioration in Australia-China Relations Fuels Talk of Olympic Boycott

Continued Deterioration in Australia-China Relations Fuels Talk of Olympic Boycott

By Philip Citowicki
China's economic coercion against Australia is lending fuel to calls for a boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
Beijing 2022 Olympics: Stop the ‘Genocide Games’ 

Beijing 2022 Olympics: Stop the ‘Genocide Games’ 

By Dorjee Tseten, Zumretay Arkin, Teng Biao, and Frances Hui
A Tibetan, Uyghur, Hong Konger, and Chinese rights lawyer urge the IOC to rethink giving China a platform through the Winter Olympics.

Australian Parliament to Debate a Beijing Olympics Boycott

Australian Parliament to Debate a Beijing Olympics Boycott

By Philip Citowicki
Next month the Senate will debate Australia’s participation in the 2022 Winter Olympics amid growing outcry over China’s human rights violations.

A Boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics Would Work

A Boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics Would Work

By Shannon Tiezzi
There is a massive overlap between Western liberal democracies and medal contenders in the Winter Games – enough to gut Beijing’s Olympic dreams.

What To Do About the 2022 Beijing Olympics?

What To Do About the 2022 Beijing Olympics?

By Benedict Rogers
Does a regime accused of atrocity crimes and grave breaches of an international treaty deserve to host this prestigious sporting event?
Human Rights Groups Ask IOC to Move 2022 Olympics Out of China

Human Rights Groups Ask IOC to Move 2022 Olympics Out of China

By Associated Press
In a letter, the group asked the IOC to "reverse its mistake in awarding Beijing the honor of hosting the Winter Olympic Games in 2022."

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