
Ahn Cheol-Soo

Ahn Cheol-soo on the State of South Korean Politics

Ahn Cheol-soo on the State of South Korean Politics

By Kenji Yoshida
An interview with the former third-party presidential candidate turned PPP lawmaker.

South Korea’s Nastiest Presidential Election

South Korea’s Nastiest Presidential Election

By Hyung-A Kim
In an election where both candidates are fighting scandals and a lack of public trust, South Koreans face a difficult choice.
Outlining the South Korean Presidential Candidates’ Technology Plans

Outlining the South Korean Presidential Candidates’ Technology Plans

By Sang Kim
The election results will determine South Korea's approach to cutting-edge technology like AI, Internet of Things, and the metaverse.

South Korea’s 19th Presidential Election: Lessons Learned

South Korea’s 19th Presidential Election: Lessons Learned

By Steven Denney
Four lessons to be learned from the results that brought Moon Jae-in to the presidency.

North Korea in the Spotlight as South Korea’s Presidential Race Tightens

North Korea in the Spotlight as South Korea’s Presidential Race Tightens

By Shannon Tiezzi
As the North Korea threat grows, a dark horse consolidates support.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

South Korea Sizing up Presidential Options

South Korea Sizing up Presidential Options

By Elaine Ramirez

Why South Koreans Voted for Change

Why South Koreans Voted for Change

By Thomas Kalinowski
While voters in South Korea may have shifted to the left, the political spectrum moved to the right.
New Third Party Stuns Mainstream in South Korea’s Elections

New Third Party Stuns Mainstream in South Korea’s Elections

By Elaine Ramirez
As the ruling conservatives tumble, a liberal defector now holds the final say in parliament.

History Repeats in South Korea’s Crumbling Opposition

History Repeats in South Korea’s Crumbling Opposition

By Elaine Ramirez
At the center of controversy is fallen rebel Ahn Cheol-soo.

An Identity Crisis for South Korea's Opposition

An Identity Crisis for South Korea's Opposition

By Steven Denney
A high-profile defection highlights the way personal politics stifle Korean democracy.

How South Korea’s Liberals Lost Their Way

How South Korea’s Liberals Lost Their Way

By Yong Kwon
Last month’s by-election underscored the weakness of South Korea’s liberal movement, and its need to reinvent itself.
South Korea's Presidential Showdown: The Forgotten Issue

South Korea's Presidential Showdown: The Forgotten Issue

While the economy dominates the election, South Korea’s next president will have important foreign policy choices to make.

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